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Much like the Pokemon series to which it is so often compared, Digimon features its own form of evolution. Digivolution allows Digimon to transform into brand-new forms, often increasing their power levels by huge amounts in the process. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, Digimon Survive also features this mechanic, though it's a little different than it is in some of the earlier Digimon games.

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There are two ways to Digivolve a Digimon in Digimon Survive, neither of which are available to players right from the get-go. However, as they play through the main story, they'll gradually gain access to more and more powerful forms. Some of these are obtained through the use of special evolution items, while others are acquired in the heat of battle thanks to the strong bond that's shared between the Digimon and its human.

How to Digivolve in Digimon Survive


How exactly a Digimon evolves will depend on the type of Digimon that players are using. Agumon, Falcomon, Labramon, and the rest of the Partner Digimon will Digivolve as part of the main story, with players then able to select their Digivolved forms in battle for a set amount of SP. When it comes to Agumon, exactly which forms are unlocked will depend on the choices that players make as they play, with the player's Karma affecting the Digimon's evolution path.


Digimon befriended during Free Battles are a little different to main party Digimon, in that they'll instead require the use of items in order to Digivolve. They won't return to their base forms after evolving either, so players will need to think carefully about how best to use their evolution items. This is also true of Guilmon, who players will be able to download if they purchase Digimon Survive within its first thirty days on sale.


Players will first gain the ability to evolve their free battle Digimon at the end of Part 1 once Agumon has Digivolved for the first time. Unfortunately, however, unless they examine the shrine beforehand, they probably won't get their first evolution item until the battle with Fangmon at the end of the next part, by which point both Falcomon and Labramon will also have unlocked their first Digivolution forms. Once players do have the necessary items though, it's a simple case of heading to the "Stats" menu, selecting a Digimon, scrolling to the "Evolution" tab, and then selecting a form.


It's also worth noting that some Digimon can be evolved into forms that can be befriended elsewhere (for example, Gotsumon can Digivolve into Numemon), while others share Digivolutions with main party Digimon (for example, like Falcomon, Biyomon can Digivolve into Diatrymon). With this in mind, players should check a list of Digimon that can be befriended in Digimon Survive to avoid wasting Mature Enlightenment Slabs and other evolution items.

Where to Find Mature Enlightenment Slabs in Digimon Survive


Players will be able to find Mature Enlightenment Slabs from the end of Part 2, the first of which can be found by heading to the Inner Shrine and investigating the Shrine itself. Before heading into the main battle with Fangmon, players will actually be able to farm Mature Enlightenment Slabs by visiting different locations and defeating Fangmon in three turns or less when he turns up. Eventually, players will be able to get Enlightenment Slabs by talking to certain Digimon and asking them for items.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.