Table of contents

By the time they've passed the game's halfway point, Digimon Survive players should already have a pretty decent selection of creatures in their possession. In all likelihood, Cerberusmon will already be one of them due to it being one of Labramon's many Digivolutions. That shouldn't stop players from befriending another one though, as there are some pretty big advantages to them doing so.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Digivolving a Partner Digimon in Digimon Survive will require the use of SP, with SP then draining passively with each subsequent turn in battle. This SP drain can lead to players running out over time, though this isn't a problem with Free Digimon. Entering battle in its Ultimate form rather than having to Digivolve each time will also increase the chances of it acting first, which is yet another reason why befriending Cerberusmon can be better than using Labramon.

How to Befriend Cerberusmon in Digimon Survive


Befriending Cerberusmon is a lot like befriending any other Digimon in Digimon Survive. Players will need to start a conversation with it while in a Free Battle or random encounter and then respond to three of its questions or statements. The answers they give will have an impact on the bar above its head, with the best Cerberusmon responses filling it by two segments. If the bar is at least half full after three responses, players will have a chance to ask Cerberusmon to become their friend.


Cerberusmon shares a lot of the same personality traits as Aoi's Partner Digimon, which is perhaps unsurprising given that it is one of Labramon's Ultimate Digivolutions. Players should therefore choose reasoned and calm responses while answering its questions, highlighting the importance of friendship wherever possible. For those still having trouble figuring out the best Cerberusmon responses, the table below should be a big help.

Question / Statement

Best Response

What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?

Thank that person.

I'd like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible...

And yet fight we must.

Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn't it?

They're so cute!

Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?

I prefer fun.

If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?

I'd protect my friend.

How do clouds in the sky look to you?

Makes you think, huh?

Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don't you think?

Leap before you look!

Where to Find Cerberusmon in Digimon Survive


Though Cerberusmon can be obtained a little earlier through Digivolution, the first chance that players will get to befriend one out in the wild will come in Part 7 of Digimon Survive. It can be found in the outside "Free Bat." section of the Factory Area, which is only available when players are prompted to speak with the professor. If they miss it, they'll have another chance to befriend the Digimon later on in the game, both in Free Battles and shadow encounters.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.