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With so many great options to choose from, building the best team in Digimon Survive can be an incredibly difficult task. Part 6 of the game makes life even harder for players in this respect, with a whole host of new Digimon suddenly becoming available. However, one of the first Digimon that players will likely run into is actually the familiar face of Sangloupmon, who players should recognize as Dracmon's first Digivolution.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Though some Digimon Survive players may choose to pass on it for this very reason, befriending another Sangloupmon can provide players with a lot of great advantages, such as starting battles with their most powerful forms and not having to sacrifice SP just to maintain them. With this in mind, learning Sangloupmon's best responses and befriending it is far from a bad idea.

How to Befriend Sangloupmon in Digimon Survive


Befriending a Digimon in Digimon Survive is a relatively straightforward process and begins with talking to the Digimon in a Free Battle or shadow encounter. Players will then need to respond to three of its questions or statements, with points awarded or deducted for each response that they give. If players have three or more points at the end of the conversation they'll have a chance to ask the Digimon to become their friend or request an item from it.


Sangloupmon uses the same set of questions and statements used by Cyclonemon, but its preferred responses and general disposition couldn't be much more different. Sangloupmon needs to be shown that humans are worthy of its respect and that there's something to be gained through friendship despite its lone wolf attitude. Players should keep this in mind when trying to befriend Sangloupmon, though, if they're having trouble, they may just want to take a look at the table below for all of the best Sangloupmon responses.

Question / Statement

Best Response

Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live!

Humans ain't inferior!

Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much.

Never happened to me.

It's hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans...

Friends help friends!

What would you say is your favorite expression?

Steady progress.

Supreme beings can't be understood by others. But that doesn't mean I'm lonely or anything.

A lone wolf, huh?

Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don't you think?

Reminds you of you?

Some things in this world cannot be overturned... Do you know of what I speak?

There's no such thing!

Where to Find Sangloupmon in Digimon Survive


As mentioned above, Sangloupmon is Dracmon's first evolution, which means that players will first gain access to it during the Arukenimon fight in Part 3. However, those hoping to befriend a Sangloupmon of their own will need to wait until the beginning of Part 6, where Sanloupmon will start to show up in random shadow encounters. Not long after that, players will be able to run into it in Free Battles too and will get a Big Bandage if they request an item from it instead of asking to become friends.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.