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To many, the Digimon series was originally seen as little more than a Pokemon clone when it first surfaced back in 1997. A lot has changed since then, however, with the franchise going on to differentiate itself from the Game Freak series in many ways. One such difference comes in the way that players add new 'mons to their team and this is once again the case in the series' most recent installment, Digimon Survive.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Rather than hurling a magic ball at them and hoping that they remain trapped inside, Digimon Survive players will instead need to talk to the digital monsters that they encounter and convince them to become their friends. Each one will respond differently to certain attitudes, however, meaning that players will need to think carefully about which options they choose. Gotsumon is no different in this regard, with the Rock Digimon ultimately favoring those with a bit of a mischievous side.

How to Befriend Gotsumon in Digimon Survive


Before players can befriend Gotsumon in Digimon Survive, they'll first need to engage it in conversation. This can be done by selecting the "Talk" option during battle and then choosing Gotsumon from the "Foes" list on the right-hand side. They'll then need to respond to three questions or statements, scoring three points or more to be able to submit a friendship request. Choosing the best Gotsumon responses will reward players with two of these points, so there is quite a bit of room for error.


As was perhaps evidenced during the game's prologue, Gotsumon is not afraid to throw down when needed, but there's much more to the Digimon than just brute force. In fact, the rugged little Rock Digimon is a bit of a joker beneath the surface and likes nothing more than to play pranks on those around it. Players should consider this while responding to its questions and statements if they hope to become its friend. Of course, they could also just select the best Gotsumon responses from the table below.

Question / Statement

Best Response

I don't feel so good... Someone, help... ...Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?!

Whoa, you scared me!

I don't care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain't gonna trust no human!

I'll earn your trust!

Go on... Try guessing what I think of ya!

That I'm cool?

Boy, you're a tough-lookin' mug, aren't ya?! I bet I'd lose if we threw down...

I'd definitely lose.

Hey, what kinda food do ya like?

Love me some meat!

Next! Whaddaya think'd be a good prank?

A pit trap?

Don't you think every day's just sooo boring?

Makes me wanna yawn.

Where to Find Gotsumon in Digimon Survive


Although players will first encounter Gotsumon during the game's prologue, the first chance that they'll get to befriend it comes during the following part. Shortly after Aoi disappears, players will gain access to several new parts of the school, one of which is the "Free Bat." area. Not only will players be able to encounter Gotsumon in one of these free battles, but they'll also be able to find and befriend Betamon too.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.