Table of contents

For many players, Falcomon is one of the best Partner Digimon in Digimon Survive, thanks in large to his ability to cover large stretches of the battlefield in a single turn. It's for this very reason that so many players look to obtain multiple versions of its Digivolved forms, including the likes of Diatrymon and its Ultimate form, Garudamon.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

The latter begins showing up in Part 6 of Digimon Survive after players reach the second island area. When it does, players will have a chance to befriend it and add it to their team or ask it for a fairly useful healing item. In order to be able to do either, however, they'll first need to start a conversation with it and choose the best possible Garudamon responses.

How to Befriend Garudamon in Digimon Survive


In order to befriend Digimon in Digimon Survive, players will need to engage them in conversation and then fill the bar above their head to at least the halfway point. This is accomplished by selecting the Talk option in a Free Battle or random shadow encounter and then responding to three of the Digimon's questions or statements. Each response will have an effect on the bar, with the best possible responses filling it by two segments apiece.


Garudamon has the look of a wise and noble Digimon, and this is reflected when it comes to choosing the best answers to its questions. It responds well to pacifistic sentiments and is well aware of how serious it can be. It's certainly wary of humans, but understands the folly of writing them off without getting to know them first. Players should remember these things when trying to befriend Garudamon, though could also just use the information provided in the table below.

Question / Statement

Best Response

Do you think I'm uptight?

You seem serious.

Can I trust humans...?

Get to know us first.

What do you believe is "right"?

Acting with kindness.

Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy?

Fighting is barbaric.

Do you think you can do anything by force?

There are other ways.

I won't forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area!

Yeah, so?

If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do?

Save the kid, duh!

Where to Find Garudamon in Digimon Survive


Like many of the other Ultimate Digimon in Digimon Survive, players will first be able to befriend Garudamon in Part 6. After fighting off the group of Betamon near the beginning of the chapter, they'll find themselves in the second island area, where Garudamon can be encountered in the "Free Bat." zone. Even if they don't have plans to recruit him, players should always make a point of battling Garudamon where possible, as he'll hand over incredibly useful Clean Dressings whenever he's asked for an item.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.