Table of contents

Beelzemon is one of several Digimon that were inspired by demons and also one of the last new creatures that most players will run into in Digimon Survive. With its dual-wield sawn-off shotguns and all-black attire, it boasts one of the most memorable designs in the entire series and is well worth recruiting due to its high attack potential should players ever get the chance to do so.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Although it's possible to obtain a Beelzemon through Digivolution a little earlier, most players won't run into one in battle until the final section of the game. Thankfully, it's one of the most powerful Digimon in Digimon Survive and so should have no trouble slotting into a player's team despite its late arrival to the party and the ever-increasing difficulty of the enemies that it will be facing.

How to Befriend Beelzemon in Digimon Survive


Before players can even think about how to use it in battle though, they'll first need to figure out the best answers to Beelzemon's questions. Like a lot of the other Mega Digimon in Digimon Survive, some of its questions and statements will only award players with a single point even if they choose the best answer, so getting the bar above its head half full before the end of the conversation can sometimes be a bit trickier than usual.


Beelzemon is one of the most power-hungry Digimon in the series, though it is also incredibly proud. With this in mind, players should approach the conversation with a view to establishing mutual respect, choosing answers that show their own inner strength without being overly confrontational. This approach should make befriending Beelzemon a lot simpler, though nowehere near as easy as just using the best Beelzemon responses in the table below.

Question / Statement

Best Response

Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live!

Humans ain't inferior. (+1)

Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much.

Never happened to me.

It's hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans...

It's common interests. (+1)

What would you say is your favorite expression?

Can't say I have one.

Supreme beings can't be understood by others. But that doesn't mean I'm lonely or anything.

A lone wolf, huh?

Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don't you think?

Makes me feel alive! (+1)

Some things in this world cannot be overturned... Do you know of what I speak?

You mean power? (+1)

Where to Find Beelzemon in Digimon Survive


Beelzemon shows up in random shadow battles in parts nine through twelve and can also be encountered in Free Battles in the Master's World+ area. When asked for an item Beelsemon will hand over a Fresh Snakehead, a rare healing item that can completely restore a target on use. With this in mind, it can be worth farming a few of them ahead of the final showdown with the master, particularly for those playing the game on the Hard difficulty setting.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.