Table of contents

From almost the very beginning of Digimon Survive, Agumon show's himself to be one of the game's best characters. Not only does he become incredibly powerful as the story progresses, but his kind-hearted nature and positive attitude often help to keep the group together. With this in mind, it's easy to see why some Digimon Survive players may want to befriend another Agumon if and when the opportunity to do so presents itself.

RELATED: Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Having more than one Agumon certainly has its advantages, as it can allow players to get their hands on all of the possible Agumon Digivolutions in a single playthrough. Before players can start to think about befriending an extra Agumon, though, they'll first need to put some thought into how best to respond to its questions and statements when they do run into one in battle.

How to Befriend Agumon in Digimon Survive


Unlike Takuma's Partner Agumon, befriending a Free Agumon out in the wild will require a little bit of work. First, players will need to start a conversation with it and must then respond to three of its questions or statements. If they choose the best response from the four provided, two segments of the bar above its head will be filled up. If players can fill three or more of these segments by the conversation, they'll have a chance to ask the Digimon to become their friend.


The best way to form a connection with Agumon is to appeal to its juvenile instincts. This means agreeing with it when it displays its childish attitude and making it feel strong and important whenever possible. By doing this, or by using the best Agumon responses as per the table below, players should be able to befriend themselves an extra Agumon with very little trouble.

Question / Statement

Best Response

I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?

Even more than you!

This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!

Hunt for yourself!

Arrrrgh! Graaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!

[Let it simmer down.]

Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!

Yeah, the best!

I'll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!

Nice, a tough one!

Uurrgh... Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!

I know what you mean.

Aint you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?

I eat everything!

Where to Find Agumon in Digimon Survive


Those desperate to get their hands on another Agumon will have to wait until Part 4, where it will begin to show up in random shadow encounters. Sadly, it's one of the rarer Digimon to do so, so they should be prepared to wait a while for one to show up. It's worth the effort though, as short of multiple playthroughs, befriending another Agumon or two is the best way to see all of Agumon's evolutions in a single playthrough due to the way that Digimon Survive's karma system impacts the Digivolutions of certain Partner Digimon.

Digimon Survive is available on PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.