This past week, the long-awaited Digimon Survive launched on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. Digimon Survive's development was unfortunately tumultuous, with the original developer Witchcraft being removed from the project and support developer Hyde inheriting the project. It's perhaps unsurprising then that there are reports Digimon Survive has various issues depending on the platform. One silly bug that Digimon Survive players have noticed even has Digimon being referred to by the wrong name.

Reddit user CapSevere7939 shared a screenshot of a bug they encountered while playing Digimon Survive on the game's subreddit. "Anyone see the problem here?" is the title of the post and the image attached features a question, "Should I treat Patamon?" Digimon Survive players will recognize the menu prompt, which asks whether players want to "Treat the injury" or "Don't use a salve." There's just one problem. The Digimon being treated is not a Patamon.

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The Digimon in the photo is a Biyomon, a pink bird Digimon with strange dextrous wings that work a lot like arms and hands. While a Patamon does have similar flying ability to a Biyomon, a Patamon looks more like a strange orange and white lizard dog with wings instead of ears on its head. It wasn't a mistake of some kind that confused the two, of course. Digimon fans are likely deeply familiar with both Digimon. This is just an odd bug found in Digimon Survive.

All in all, it's a relatively innocuous bug and no Digimon Survive player's experience will be harmed due to names being mixed up. New players may get a bit confused, though. It still is strange that this type of bug would be missed, as there's little more important than ensuring each Digimon is correctly branded. That's a big part of how Digimon monetizes itself, after all. Kids need to know the names of the Digimon they want merchandise for.

Hyde definitely has other priorities going forward. There are reports of Digimon Survive having performance issues on the Nintendo Switch, a mysterious "White Screen Error" on PC, and other assorted bugs. It's unclear how robustly Digimon Survive will be supported post launch, so an odd naming bug may not even register as needing fixed.

Patamon and Biyomon are just two of over 110 different Digimon that players will find when exploring the world of Digimon Survive. Everyone's favorite Digimon, including Agumon, Dokugumon, Tyrannomon, and many, many more are included. Technical issues aside, this is an RPG Digimon fans have been waiting a long time for.

Digimon Survive is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Digimon Survive: Should You Agree with Shuuji or Minoru?