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Digimon Survive's free Digimon, unlike partner Digimon, require special items to evolve and achieve their full potential. These "Enlightenment Slabs" are hard to find in the early game and can be easily missed in the late-game should players not know where to look. Here's each type of Enlightenment Slab and where to find them.

Digimon Survive is a visual novel/strategy RPG developed by Hyde and published by Bandai Namco. A darker take on the themes of Digimon Adventure, the game features a group of kids struggling to survive after being thrown into a strange world of monsters. With multiple branching paths and the threat of death around every corner, the group must rely on the strength of their monster allies in order to survive.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: How To Digivolve a Digimon

Mature Enlightenment Slabs


Mature Enlightenment Slabs are the item required for Rookie/Child Digimon to evolve to the Champion/Adult stage. The first opportunity to acquire one is during part 2, by examining the Inner Shrine once it becomes available to visit. Players can also use the phone camera in each area after Fangmon's first appearance to seek out optional encounters, where defeating it will grant an additional Mature Enlightenment Slab.

Reliable means of farming Mature Enlightenment Slabs do not appear until Part 9, where Dobermon, Garurumon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, and Leomon can be encountered in free battles, offering a Mature Enlightenment Slab as a reward for successful negotiation. It is also sometimes possible to obtain a Mature Enlightenment Slab as a reward for free battles, though the odds are low.

Perfect Enlightenment Slabs

Digimon Survive_Monzaemon

Perfect Enlightenment Slabs are the item required for Champion/Adult Digimon to evolve to the Ultimate/Perfect Stage. The first Perfect Enlightenment Slab available cannot be missed, as it is acquired immediately after Agumon achieves its ultimate form during the story. The special encounters that unlock other partners' ultimate forms also supply a Perfect Enlightenment Slab on completion.

Farming Perfect Enlightenment Slabs is arguably easier than farming Mature Enlightenment Slabs due to Magnaangemon, Metalgreymon, Monzaemon and Zudomon appearing in Free Battles for the first time during Part 7. These four digimon will all give a Perfect Enlightenment Slab to the player if asked for an item after a successful negotiation.

Ultimate Enlightenment Slabs

Digimon Survive Digivolution

Ultimate Enlightenment Slabs are the item required for Ultimate/Adult Digimon to evolve to the Mega/Ultimate Stage (The Mega stage is called the Ultimate stage in the original Japanese, and the Slabs are named after the corresponding Stage in Japanese). The first Ultimate Enlightenment Slab available is acquired automatically once Agumon achieves its mega form during the story. The special encounters that unlock other partners' ultimate forms will also grant an Ultimate Enlightenment Slab on completion.

Acquiring additional Ultimate Enlightenment Slabs requires players to negotiate with one of five Digimon that only appear in late-game free battles. These Digimon are Grankuwagamon, Herculeskabuterimon, Marineangemon, Piedmon, and Wargreymon, all of whom can be encountered in free battles from Part 11.

Digimon Survive was released on the 29th of July 2022 for Playstation 4, Playstation 5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.