Releasing just one year after Pokemon debuted, Digimon is a fellow Japanese monster-catching franchise, often skewing a little more toward the teen market than Pokemon. While Digimon may have never reached the same monumental heights as Pokemon, it's a beloved franchise for many, and it's still kicking today. The recently released Digimon Survive is the perfect evidence for this.

Released just a few weeks ago, Digimon Survive is, for the most part, a visual novel set in the iconic Digimon world. However, there are some turn-based tactics battles thrown in occasionally for good measure. Although Digimon Survive suffers from a bit of an identity crisis, with its two modes of gameplay never really meshing, it's a fun Digimon story with some engaging endings.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: Complete Guide & Walkthrough

Digimon Survive's Moral Ending

digimon survive protagonist intro cutscene

In total, Digimon Survive has five different endings. The majority of these endings all branch off from a player-decision made at the end of Chapter 8, where Miyuki and Takuma can choose to stay in the digital world, or return to the human one. Most of the game's endings are determined based on the player's Karma alignment at that point, and which option they choose.

Digimon Survive's Moral ending is generally considered to be one of the nicer ways to end the game. During the pivotal scene in Chapter 8, players will need to select the option, "Be true to my friends," which sees the player take on The Master in its egg form, a being that's performed numerous child sacrifices. The main crew decide to return to the human world in order to teach the population about the existence of the digital world, but must leave their Digimon friends behind.

Digimon Survive's Harmony Ending

Digimon Survive_Baihumon

By selecting the "Save the world," option in Chapter 8, players can reach the Harmony ending, in which Miu dies. Miu's death forces Kaito to join with Piedmon, forming the powerful Boltboutamon. However, Boltboutamon is then absorbed by The Master, who the player must defeat in its stronger form.

Upon defeating The Master, the portal that's connecting both the human and digital world grows uncontrollably, resulting in both worlds becoming joined. Back in the human world, the main crew arrive alongside their Digimon friends, and after months of tension, the two species learn to cohabitate.

Digimon Survive's Wrathful Ending

Every Digimon in Digimon Survive (& How to Befriend Them)

Choosing the "Stay with Agumon" option in Chapter 8 will result in Saki dying instead, and Aoi fusing with Labramon in order to form Plutomon. Upon defeating Plutomon, the crew realize that the portal has become unstable, and much like the Harmony ending, the two worlds collide. However, instead of just a few months of unrest, the human world is now thrust into chaos, with only a handful of children being able to maintain a bond with their Digimon. Kaito and Takuma take it upon themselves to find these children and recruit them, in the hopes that they'll soon be able to convince the world that Digimon and humans can live side-by-side.

Digimon Survive's Bad Ending

Digimon Survive - Large Creature and child

A short and chaotic ending, Digimon Survive players can end the game abruptly by choosing to never return to the digital world when prompted in Chapter 8. The cutscene then skips forward a few days, showing Takuma and his family evacuating their home as their city is put under a state of emergency, following a strange portal opening in the sky.

Digimon Survive's True Ending


To get Digimon Survive's best ending, players will need to play through the game again on New Game+, and will need to keep their entire party alive throughout the story. If players aim for the Moral ending, then they should meet all the criteria for Digimon Survive's true ending. This ending sees the gang defeat Fanglongmon, and all return to the human world alongside their Digimon partners. In this ending, the humans and Digimon learn to co-exist much sooner, and the world seems to be in a much more stable, peaceful place.

Digimon Survive is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: 7 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Digimon Survive