Bandai Namco Entertainment's Digimon Survive has been a long time coming for fans of the franchise after a protracted development. After several delays since its original announcement in 2018, the game is finally out now on every major system. This eagerly anticipated JRPG is a much darker take on the digital monster franchise, combining turn-based strategy gameplay with visual novel segments that can lead to multiple endings.

This ambitious narrative is supported through Digimon Survive's Choice System, where certain answers can affect the path to one of the endings. The player is also responsible for juggling the relationships between the human cast and their Digimon. These aspects can even see some major characters in the cast ending up dead or worse, with no character being immune to being killed off from the results of the player's choices. With that being said, the developers of Digimon Survive are asking fans playing the game to be considerate regarding posting spoilers of the story.

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This request was posted on the game's official Twitter account, where it acknowledges that Digimon Survive's narrative will contain a lot of twists that are intended to be a surprise. The post specifies that players should avoid posting on social media any content about the game that is after the fifth chapter. This consideration should be for the first two months after the game's launch.

This request isn't entirely restrictive, however, as the developers of Digimon Survive ask that if fans are going to share content past that chapter, it should be marked as a spoiler. It asks that these spoilers should be in a way that clearly indicates to others that the spoilers are present. While it doesn't specify what platforms this applies to, it's likely asking streamers or Twitter posts to put a big disclaimer in the title.

Once the two months are up, fans are free to post content from any point of the game without restriction. For reference’s sake, Digimon Survive is split into 12 Chapters, with Chapter 8 being a diverging point that will split the game into three separate routes: Morality, Rage, and Harmony. This means this spoiler consideration comes in around the halfway point. ​​​​​​A single playthrough is around 40 hours, entirely dependent on what difficulty level is selected at the beginning. Players who are looking to explore all the choices and routes in the game are likely to take up to around 100 hours according to the dev team.

Digimon Survive is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Digimon Survive: How to Digivolve