In Digimon Survive, players can choose which ending they get, depending on the route they choose to follow through the game. With four different routes to follow, there are five different endings players can finish with. However, only one of these endings is the True Ending, which is not easy to get.

The four routes available in Digimon Survive are Harmony, Moral, Wrathful, and Bad. To get to the True Ending, players must complete the game once by following the Harmony, Moral, or Wrathful route. Then, they will need to play again under New Game Plus and meet a specific set of criteria to unlock this unique ending. This involves the player raising their affinity with Ryo to prevent his death. This ending has the best outcome because everyone survives, and making wrong choices at key moments will cost players the chance to experience it for themselves.

10 Focusing on Aoi During Classroom Exploration

Kunemon in Digimon Survive

After Aoi meets Labramon in Chapter 1, the player will have the opportunity to explore the classroom in the school. When they enter, they'll find Ryo and a Digimon named Kunemon. The player will need to talk to everyone in the classroom. Once they finish talking, they'll be able to explore. By taking out their camera, they can look at the blackboard, and out of nowhere, spiderwebs will appear. At this point, they will be given a choice.

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After exploring the corridors of the school in Chapter 1, the player will return to the classroom, continuing Exploration. At this point, it's easy to see that Ryo looks very stressed out. The player will be given a choice that is essential to get closer to the True Ending. They can either focus on Aoi or boost Ryo's spirits to increase their affinity with him. Choosing Aoi is the wrong option in this situation and could cost players the best ending.

9 Leaving Ryo After He Faints

Ryo in Digimon Survive

In Chapter 1, during Exploration, Ryo will see a ghost child and faint in the classroom. The player will need to examine the outside of the Music Room door to be prompted with the next choice.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: Complete Guide & Walkthrough

They'll have to decide if it's safe to leave Ryo in that condition. They must decide whether he's safer where he is, or that he's in danger. Determining that he's in danger will set players on the right path toward the True Ending. Don't leave poor Ryo where he is.

8 Not Choosing Ryo When Looking For Food

Minoru in Digimon Survive

In Chapter 2, in one scene relatively close to the beginning, the group decides they need to look for food. The player will need to make a decision between three of the characters' plans. While they can click on each one to see what they have to say, the option to disagree with them is there to choose a different character.

Whichever one the player chooses will increase their affinity with that character. That being said, choosing Minoru or Aoi over Ryo would be the wrong option to get the True Ending. As the goal is to increase Ryo's affinity as high as possible, it's best to choose him here.

7 Asking Who Ryo Is Calling

Saki and Ryo in Digimon Survive

The player will come across Ryo in the classroom during Chapter 2, using his cell phone. They'll be prompted with a choice and must choose correctly to boost their affinity.

The player can choose whether to say cell phones don't work, or to ask who he was calling. Asking who Ryo was calling will do nothing for his affinity, which will not help the player get the best ending. Instead, say that the cell phones don't work.

6 Ryo's Dialogue In The Chapter 2 Free Action

Ryo in Digimon Survive

During Free Action in Chapter 2, the player must visit the classroom again to talk to Ryo. Initially, this will bring up a choice that has nothing to do with the True Ending. The player will choose an option to sway them down one of the three major routes.

Following this interaction, the player will be prompted that Ryo looks really worried. They'll have to choose the option that he's not wrong to boost his affinity. The other choice will do nothing either way.

5 Teasing Ryo By The Woods

Ryo in Digimon Survive

Following Free Action in Chapter 2, the player will be back in Exploration. They'll want to head over to the Woods by the School for an interaction with Ryo.

The player will be prompted to choose whether they want to tease Ryo. Choosing to tease him will do nothing for his affinity, while leaving him be will boost it.

4 Riling Him Up At The Shrine

Ryo in Digimon Survive

Following the battle with the five Gazimon in Chapter 2, the player will be back in Exploration. They'll need to head to the Shrine, where they'll find Ryo.

He'll have a concerned look on his face, and the player will note that he seems really nervous. Their choices are to rile him up a bit or agree with him. The best choice here is to agree with him to boost his affinity.

3 Not Talking To Ryo In The Second Shrine Interaction

inspecting the footprints in the grass in Digimon Survive

In Chapter 2, Minoru will direct the player to an area in the grass with footprints of both humans and Gazimon. After the player inspects these, they'll need to use the map to travel back to the Shrine to speak to Ryo.

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They'll be prompted with the question of what to do while Ryo stands there looking upset. The correct response is to talk to him, increasing his affinity.

2 Not Forcing Ryo To Engage During Chapter 3 Free Time

Ryo in Digimon Survive

During Free Time in Chapter 3, the player will have the opportunity to interact with Ryo in the classroom. This interaction has a large boost in affinity when the correct choice is made.

The player will be asked what they should do about Ryo. They will be offered the option to leave him alone or force him to engage. They should choose to make him engage.

1 Choosing Other Characters Over Ryo

Shuuji in Digimon Survive

In Chapter 3, there will be a situation where the player will need to comfort Saki and Shuuji. Shortly after, this will come another opportunity to increase Ryo's affinity.

The player will need to make a choice between Ryo and other characters. The correct option will be to choose Ryo. Choosing any other character will result in boosting their affinity instead.

Digimon Survive is available now on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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