Digimon Survive is already establishing itself as a rather unique game in the franchise due to its narrative, which can take a few dark turns depending on the choices players make throughout the chapters. This is because this story tackles themes of survival, empathy, and how morals or direct action can change the course of the events, sometimes even leading to Digimon Survive characters being killed, shaking up the party and impacting the ending. This feature alone provides the game with high replayability value, as players can be warier and act differently in another playthrough to explore the possible diverging storylines the game has to offer.

Although Digimon Survive's choice system can be predictable and is far from perfect, the approach to the game and the franchise as a whole makes it feel like a more mature entry in the series, something that Pokemon games could stand to explore as well. Apart from Pokemon Black and White and their Gen 5 sequels, mainline Pokemon games are known for their more child-friendly narrative that doesn't dwell on heavy themes or impactful choices, but Digimon Survive proves that this can change. A universal story of bonding between humans and their monster companionscan allow itself to be challenging, and that's what Pokemon can learn from Digimon Survive.

RELATED: Every Digimon Available in Digimon Survive

Digimon Survive's Darker Narrative and Choices Could Fit New Pokemon Games

digimon survive angry palmon

Digimon Survive is a darker spin on the series, which otherwise often features children as its human protagonists, whereas the newest entry in the franchise tells a story where the characters are young adults. This may be one of the reasons why Pokemon Black and White or Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 resonated with players more, as the characters were not the usual 10-year-olds from other mainline games; instead, they are outspoken about wanting to be treated like adults.

Gen 5 Pokemon games are more of a coming-of-age story than the rest of the franchise. Digimon Survive feels similar, as it's about a group of friends that deal with the hardships of life in a world that's not always fair and just. Instead, the harsh reality of Digimon Survive, alongside its visual novel approach guided by a choice system, is what makes the game stand out from its kind, and that's why a Pokemon game that draws inspiration from it could do the same. Characters dying or the protagonists barely surviving an unwelcoming world don't have to be part of the Pokemon universe, but impactful choices could.

There are many sad moments in Pokemon games, but they are often hidden in side quests or in dialogues from otherwise unimportant characters, and while they are a good way of handling these themes, they are not enough for older audiences to be invested in the story. A Pokemon game that also puts a bit of emphasis on the story is long-overdue, and Pokemon Legends: Arceus already used a darker story and approach to gameplay than the mainline games ever did.

It only makes sense to apply the same concept to similar games moving forward, even as a one-off experiment for a non-mainline title, or something that's more akin to the tones of some Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. A choice system that still explores morality, not dissimilar from that of Digimon Survive, could be of great value to the Pokemon franchise. At the moment, there are rumors that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet could resemble Detroit: Become Human to a degree through branching story paths. If true, this single feature could revolutionize the franchise and add more replayability value to Gen 9 games than ever before, making them similar to Digimon Survive in how they operate.

Digimon Survive is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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