Bandai Namco's upcoming Digimon Survive has been in the works for a long time, but it appears that things are finally getting into gear. The developers have begun to talk more openly about what fans can expect from the game and now the title's social media channels are beginning to share more information about the cast. A recent promo video highlights the human main characters of Digimon Survive along with their partner Digimon.The cast of Digimon Survive is a group of teenagers who find themselves stranded in the beautiful and dangerous Digital World. Depending on the choices the player makes, it's possible that not all of them will make it out alive.RELATED: Digimon Survive Changes Development Teams, Could Result in More DelaysA two-minute-long teaser trailer was recently shared by the verified Digimon Games Twitter account. This teaser firmly attaches names to the kids and their partner Digimon as well as showing some of how they will interact with each other in the game. Although much of the video is simply dedicated to showing off the character sprites and highlighting the expressive animations, there is an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty present throughout the trailer. It's clear from the opening text, which warns that ordinary life is fragile and fleeting, that the teenage cast of Digimon Survive is about to get in way over their heads.

In the opening shots, the audience is shown blurry footage of a house, clearer shots of a garden full of red spider lilies, and what appears to be a short flashback of a young boy falling and potentially dying. From there, the video moves on to a quick exploration of the dilapidated building the kids seem to be staying then before introducing each main character and their partner Digimon. Although most of the kids are smiling and the Digimon are adorable, each introduction is made tense by the ever-present symbolism of red spider lilies and blood splatters. This represents Digimon Survive's darker approach to storytelling.

Red spider lilies, also known as lycoris radiata, are bright summer flowers found throughout Asia. In Japan, they symbolize final goodbyes, and they're considered to be connected to mythological flowers that grow in the underworld. They are commonly used in funerals and as a symbol of grief or a bad omen in fiction. The decision to use red spider lilies as a major symbol in this trailer says something about what kind of adventure the Digimon Survive cast can expect to find in the Digital World.

Digimon Survive releases in 2022 for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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