Unfortunately but also understandably, the wait for Digimon Survive just gets longer and longer. The past year or so has complicated game development at every step, and no company has been an exception to this rule. Bandai Namco recently announced its delay of Digimon Survive to Q3 2022, and it remains to be seen what comes of this extra time.

Still, all eyes will likely be on the game for some time as the next Digimon game to release. And while there's still a lot to be said about Digimon Survive, fans know there will be around 100 Digimon in the game. Breaking down everything, the revealed so-far list of Digimon in Digimon Survive has one exclusion among many that is hopefully rectified before release: Veemon.

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Veemon in Digimon Adventure 02

digimon veemon forms

The simple answer in the case to add Veemon to Digimon Survive is nostalgia. Digimon Adventure 02, alongside Power Rangers, was one of the most popular shows on Fox Kids back in 2000/2001. Digimon Adventure 02 is credited with contributing to Fox Kids' high ratings and how it beat out other channels like ABC, Kids WB, and Nickelodeon. The storyline of the show, from the Digimon Emperor to the defeat of MaloMyotismon by DigiDestined all over the world, never dropped a beat. And as many recall, Veemon and Davis had a unique partnership, with Veemon being full of character and personality.

It helps too that Veemon's digivolutions are top notch, as seen in the image above (which is by no means exhaustive). Thanks to armor digivolution, Veemon can digivolve into Flamedramon, Raidramon, and Magnamon via the Digi-Egg of Courage, Friendship, and Miracles, respectively. Arguably his coolest form, Paildramon, is the result of a DNA digivolution between ExVeemon and Stingmon. Those are just drops in the bucket, but with Veemon and its evolutions having a nostalgic and iconic role in the anime, as well as many Digimon games, Veemon seems like he should be a shoe-in for Digimon Survive.

Veemon in Digimon Survive?


There are two other major points for consideration: first, Agumon is featured in Digimon Survive and has been featured prominently in marketing. This comes down to nostalgia, but also as Agumon's "protagonist" role in the original Digimon Adventure. Having both Agumon and Veemon lead the charge, so to speak, would only help the game. Secondly, Digimon Survive's unique approach to Digivolution means that any, all, or only some of the above forms would still fit into the game despite Veemon's absence thus far.

Essentially, there isn't really a set path and the partner Digimon of Digimon Survive's main characters can digivolve in ways connected to the story. While it remains to be seen how it works in full, theoretically, a Digimon could digivolve into darker and meaner Digimon based on player's choice as they move toward a bad ending and so on. For Veemon, who hasn't appeared as a Digimon Partner, this still means his digivolutions could still play some role. Seeing Flamedramon or Magnamon appear as plays move toward a good ending would, at least, satisfy many Veemon fans.

Digimon Survive is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Digimon Survive Leaving the Digital World Behind is a Good Thing