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While it is possible to play Diablo Immortal solo, some players will undoubtedly prefer to enjoy the game with their friends. Indeed, this title does support cooperative play, though there is a very important limitation to be aware of. This guide contains full details on that limitation, and it will also provide a general overview of how to engage with Diablo Immortal's multiplayer offerings.

To begin, players should know that this game does not allow for cross-server play at the time of writing, nor is there a way to transfer characters across servers. While these limitations may change in the future, they currently mean that fans should coordinate server selection with the friends that they intend to play with prior to creating a character in Diablo Immortal. Players that do not coordinate in this fashion may find that they need to roll new characters before they can group up with friends.

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Once a group of friends has confirmed that they are on the same server, they must all complete the tutorial in Wortham. This is not a particularly difficult endeavor, and it should not take long for players to learn the basics, gain a handful of levels, and reach town. Upon arriving in this location, fans will speak with Deckard Cain, an NPC that veterans of the Diablo franchise will be quite familiar with, and they will be ready to create a group with their friends thereafter.

While this can be done in several ways, the most straightforward options center around the friends list. To access this list, players should click on the button with the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner of the screen and then click on "Friends." From here, mobile RPG fans can send friend requests to their companions by clicking on the "Add Friend" button and entering their BattleTags, which the invitee can find in the top-left corner of their friends list.

diablo immortal co-op

With some friends added to the list, players should exit out of the menu and direct their attention to the top-left corner of the screen. Players will see their character's portrait in that position, and there will be several diamonds with plus signs next to it. Clicking on one of those diamonds will open an invitation menu, which players can use to send group invites to any of their friends that are online.

To note, if a fan finds that they do not have any friends online, they can always look to join a random party. This is done by using the Party Finder feature, which is again accessed by clicking on the three lines in the top-right corner of the screen, and it can be a good option for players that a need a little help in their questing and grinding in Diablo Immortal.

Diablo Immortal is available on Mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, And More