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Enlightened and stoic, the Monk class is a great class to play as in Diablo Immortal. The Monk plays a diverse role within the group by offering multiple buffs and shields as a melee support class that does high AOE damage.

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Although extremely mobile and offering multiple styles of play, the Monk may feel a little restrictive to some for solo play in Diablo Immortal. It’s therefore advised that players pick up this class if they wish to participate in more co-op or multiplayer PVP. However, the Monk class can still be a viable solo option and can be very powerful depending on the skills and stats selected. Boasting many abilities with short cooldowns to dish out the damage, the Monk can feel unstoppable in the hands of both new players and veterans of the franchise when employing the right skills.

7 Fists Of Thunder

Diablo Immortal Monk Duel Against The Skeletal Mage Boss

The Monk’s basic primary attack, Fists of Thunder will allow players to lunge towards an enemy and unleash a flurry of punches that each deal damage. After the 3rd hit, players can lunge or teleport again.

This primary ability’s ultimate is called Lightning Flux, which enhances Fists of Thunder for 12 seconds. This manifests as thunderstorms appearing every time the Monk teleports or lunges towards an enemy and scores a hit. The thunderstorm not only deals damage but also knocks enemies away and generates a shield that protects the player from further damage. This primary skill is fantastic as it allows players to move seamlessly between enemies and deal the highest damage possible.

6 Mystic Strike

diablo-immortal-mystic strike

Unlocked at level 15, players can dash forward and leave a spirit behind that will return to the Monk’s body. All enemies in its path will be pulled toward the player and receive damage. The skill has a maximum of 3 charges.

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Overall, this is the Monk’s best mobility skill and should be picked up as soon as possible. The ability is great for quickly farming XP or items and for dodging powerful enemy attacks/abilities. The Mystic Strike will be used in most Monk builds.

5 Exploding Palm


Available around the level 20 mark, the Exploding Palm will attack enemies in a single direction. The skill will inflict bleeding status on enemies for 5 seconds and should enemies die while bleeding, they will explode, damaging nearby foes in turn. There is a maximum of 2 charges.

This skill can be considered to be one of the best AOE abilities for the Monk and is particularly effective against large mobs of weak enemies as the explosions and additional injuries inflicted upon further enemies create a chain of continuous damage.

4 Seven-Sided Strike

diablo immortal 7 sided strike

Unlocked relatively early on, the Seven-Sided Strike allows players to dash rapidly between enemies, striking them 7 times and dealing damage for each strike. The additional hits made on the same target will deal only 50% of normal damage.

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It is a great skill that combines excellent single target and solid AOE damage. Players will also acquire a momentary immunity whilst this skill is activated, making it perfect for dodging enemy attacks and hurting the enemy. With a 12-second cooldown, this skill can be used frequently to great effect.

3 Mystic Allies

diablo-immortal-monk spirit allies

A late-game skill in which a player can summon two allied spirits to join the fray, Mystic Allies is a great summon skill for the Monk. The spirit allies have 100% of the player’s HP and will deal damage with their basic attacks on nearby enemies.

This ability is perfect for single-target boss fights as the relatively decent cooldown of 30 seconds will allow players to stand on their own against such elite enemies. Additional legendary items can help reduce the cooldowns of such an ability, allowing Mystic Allies to be used more frequently.

2 Inner Sanctuary

diablo immortal inner sanctuary

Unlocked at level 38, the Inner Sanctuary will allow the player to place down a circle of protection for 9.2 seconds. This runic ability reduces all incoming damage taken by players and their allies within the circle by 50%.

The Inner Sanctuary is a skill best used for support as it can help players in close combat recover HP and stay in the fight for longer against bosses or in PVP. Should players opt for this strategy, players should swap out the Seven-Sided Strike with this ability.

1 Imprisoned Fist


Unlocked at level 44, the Imprisoned Fist allows players to attack in all directions for a decent amount of damage and immobilize all targets for 5 seconds. This skill is ideal in situations where enemies have high mobility or are trying to escape.

As an area control skill, this ability is perfect for ranged enemy targets that can teleport or in PVP against ranged enemies such as the Wizard. With a relatively low cooldown time of 12 seconds, Monks can easily lock down their prey and allow other classes to focus fire on the immobilized enemy. This ability can replace the Mystic Strike, sacrificing some mobility for better crowd control.

Diablo Immortal is available now for Mobile and PC.

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