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As players work through Diablo Immortal's campaign and complete its various activities, they will gain numerous levels. Characters will not go up in level indefinitely, though, as there is a level cap in Diablo Immortal. This guide is here to provide details on exactly what that maximum level is, and it also contains information on how to get there efficiently and some of the content that becomes available when players reach it.

Diablo Immortal: Level Cap Guide

The level cap in Diablo Immortal is 60, and the game's campaign plays a big role in reaching it. Indeed, players that prioritize completing main quest objectives should see their characters shoot up in levels quite quickly, though they will hit a couple of walls along the way. More specifically, there are several points where the campaign simply instructs players to reach certain levels, and the methods that mobile RPG fans use to address those tasks will have a significant impact on how long it takes them to reach the cap.

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For those players that are looking for an efficient way to get over those hurdles, the free Battle Pass is an excellent option. Indeed, Diablo Immortal characters will earn a great deal of XP every time that they gain a Battle Pass rank, and it is recommended that players do not turn in many Battle Point-awarding activities from the Codex until they reach the aforementioned walls. This is because the XP that is granted upon earning a Battle Pass rank increases as a player's level does, allowing fans that leave their activities unclaimed to speed through the gaps in the story quests.

diablo immortal level cap

Regardless of how a player goes about reaching the level cap, they will unlock the ability to change Diablo Immortal's difficulty upon hitting Level 60. It is at that point that fans can select between four different Hell difficulty levels, and they provide opportunities for earning increasingly better gear. Notably, these difficulty levels, and the gear that can be found within them, are connected to the game's Paragon system, which is another way for players to improve their characters after getting to the maximum level.

With respect to the specifics of that system, characters receive Paragon points for earning XP after they have made it to Level 60. Diablo fans can then put these points toward the various Paragon trees, which contain bonuses and new skills. This means that while the game does have a level cap, it certainly does not mark the end of character progression that is not exclusively tied to gear.

Diablo Immortal is available on Mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, And More