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As the assassin that strikes from afar, the Demon Hunter class from Diablo Immortal is a ranged glass cannon that can do exceptional single-target damage. With their exceptional high DPS skills and ability to make traps, the Demon Hunter can melt just about any opponent, be they AI or player.

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With such powerful abilities and great mobility, players that enjoy destroying single targets with a point-and-shoot approach should look no further than the Demon Hunter. However, due to the Demon Hunter’s low health and weak escape skills, players will need to utilize and select the best skills to overcome any adversary.

7 Crossbow Shot

Diablo-Immortal-Demon-Hunter-crossbow shot

Available at the start of the game and 1 of the Demon Hunter’s primary attacks, the Crossbow Shot is essentially a projectile shot that does damage whilst the player moves at reduced speed.

Though it may sound very basic, the skill comes with an ultimate ability called Volley. This ability allows the player to enhance the Crossbow Shot for 12 seconds and unleash a flurry of arrows whilst increasing movement speed. Overall, this is the best primary attack for the Demon Hunter as it can be fired whilst moving and the skill is used in practically every build and game mode. Towards the end game, legendary items can be used to further enhance this skill.

6 Knockback Shot


Also available at level 1 is the Knockback Shot. This ability when activated launches a bolt of shadowy energy that knocks enemies away and deals damage. Enemies will also be stunned for 3 seconds should they be knocked into obstacles.

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The Knockback Shot is a fantastic starter ability that will allow players to keep maintain a safe distance from enemies whilst doing copious amounts of damage. With a cooldown of just 12 seconds, the skill should be used as much as possible, especially in tight corners or choke points.

5 Multishot

diablo immortal demon hunter multishot

Available at level 1, the Multishot is a straightforward ability that has players launch a volley of arrows in a particular direction, dealing damage to all enemies. The skill has a maximum of 3 charges.

This is a great skill that almost every Demon Hunter uses due to its high AOE damage. Players can also improve this skill with various weapons and items to enhance the skills’ damage capabilities. The skill is also useful to quickly burst down enemy health or to quickly eliminate a target.

4 Rain Of Vengeance

diablo-immortal-demon-hunter-rain of vengeance ability

Unlocked at level 3, Rain of Vengeance allows players to fire a massive volley of arrows into the sky that will then rain down on an area for several seconds. All enemies within the area will receive damage for 4 seconds.

Rain of Vengeance can be considered to be one of the game’s best AOE skills that can be unlocked in the early game. Players are recommended to use it as often as they can as the skill practically melts away large mobs of enemies and does considerable damage to bosses in just a few seconds.

3 Strafe


Unlocked at level 8, the Strafe ability allows players to pirouette and fire arrows in all directions whilst moving at 70% reduced speed. Enemies surrounding the player will receive damage and the ability has a cooldown of just 0.5 seconds.

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However, the skill does consume energy that can be replenished when not in use, meaning that players will have to time when and how they use Strafe. The skill is very decent in the early game as players can mow through large groups of enemies and quickly gain XP.

2 Daring Swing

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter

Players upon reaching level 15 can swap out Strafe for Daring Swing. This ability allows players to use a rope to swing to a nearby location, dealing damage to enemies that are in the way. Whilst this ability is active, enemies cannot attack the player and the skill has 2 charges.

Overall, Daring Swing is considered to be the best mobility within the Demon Hunter’s arsenal and it is used in leveling and most PVP builds. The skill needs to be aimed precisely as any obstacle impeding the player will nullify and cancel the ability. Combined with the right armor and players can withstand the hard hits.

1 Sentry


At level 28, players can opt for Sentry. Sentry is an ability that allows players to deploy a sentry turret that will fire on nearby enemies for 30 seconds. Players can have up to turrets at any given time and the skill has a maximum of 2 charges.

The sentry turrets will provide consistent damage whilst the player activates other skills. A good example of a combo would be to deploy sentries first to avoid being attacked, then follow up with the Rain of Vengeance and finally use the Multishot to rack up high amounts of damage.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

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