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Despite the initial wave of criticism and negativity following its awkward announcement at BlizzCon 2018, the free to play game Diablo Immortal has largely received favorable reviews from both critics and fans. While initially developed for mobile devices, Blizzard made the surprising announcement that Diablo Immortal was also launching on PC, opening the game up to a larger group of players and giving fans another way to pass the time until Diablo 4 launches.

While Diablo Immortal retains the classic hack and slash loot style gameplay fans expect from the series, there are plenty of new elements added considering its initial design for mobile devices. Including a microtransaction and Battle Pass system, activities are designed to be shorter in scope to support play sessions typically associated with mobile gaming. Many skills support auto-aim and virtual controls, mana has been replaced with a new cooldown system, and classes now have a new ultimate attack mechanic.

RELATED: Diablo Immortal: Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Another major focus for Diablo Immortal is a daily bounty system, which tasks players with hunting down and killing specific creatures in the world or crafting specific items to earn a good amount of XP. While many of these can be straight forward, there are a few like Clearing the Cobwebs, which can prove to be a little more tricky than expected.

diablo immortal light 9 lamps

Clearing the Cobwebs Bounty Walkthrough

For players picking up this bounty, they'll need to take out 50 spiders to claim the rewards. The place to do this is Ashwold Cemetery where the spiders can be found.

Unfortunately, Diablo Immortal doesn't have one location where all 50 spiders can be found. In fact, many players have reported only seeing a handful at a time. Killing the group in this area will cause more to spawn, but they seem to be on 10 minute respawn timers, so this method isn't very efficient as it'll take hours to fully complete. Worse yet, many players have reported a Bounty Bug associated with this quest where the spiders won't spawn in at all.

Dedicated players can certainly pick away at this over time, but ultimately the bounty itself may not be worth it when compared to others which can be finished much faster. Considering that this is the only location where these spiders spawn in, players are advised to skip this bounty until Blizzard is able to address the problem with a future update.


How to Reroll Bounties

Bounties are some of the best ways for Diablo Immortal players to quickly gain experience and thankfully players have plenty of control over managing the board. Each bounty on the board can be rerolled using the refresh button in the top right corner of each bounty banner. Removing a bounty replaces it with a new one, so players can clear out ones they don't like or, in the case of this spider one, can't be cleared.

One thing to note is that players only have three skips per day and can only reroll before accepting the bounty. For those who have already claimed the Clearing Cobwebs bounty, they can either let the timer on it expire or go into the menu and under quest, select Abandon Quests to remove it.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, And More