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Resilient and tough, Crusaders are the main tank class in Diablo Immortal. They are ideal for players that like to play as the tank or in a group as they provide excellent buffs that are suited for team play. That said, the Crusader class is fantastic for solo players as well.

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With amazing crowd-control abilities and good AOE attacks/damage, the Crusader is the ideal class to play when surrounded by lots of enemies or taking the brunt of the damage. It’s easily a very powerful class in Diablo Immortal as it’s considered one of the best hybrid classes. The Crusader dishes out decent damage and can survive even the most harrowing enemy encounters. The odds are even better when paired with legendary armor sets.

7 Punish


One of the Crusader’s primary skills that are available from the get-go, Punish allows players to strike an enemy to gain hardened senses, which increases a player’s block chance by 30% for 2 seconds.

Punish comes with an ultimate skill in the form of Counterattack Storm. This ability enhances Punish for 12 seconds whilst also hitting all enemies in front of the Crusader. This not only increases the damage per hit but also enhances the block chance, effectively turning the Crusader into a temporary 1-man army. Players will also receive a shield that will help absorb damage for about 3 seconds. It’s a great primary skill that does damage but also ensures good survivability, especially against stronger bosses.

6 Spinning Shield

Diablo_Immortal_Crusader_spinning Shield concept art

A level 1 skill whereby players can hurl a spinning shield towards the enemy, dealing damage to all enemies within its path. Like a boomerang, the shield will return to the player and simultaneously pull enemies on its return trajectory towards the player whilst dealing additional damage.

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Enemy movement speeds are reduced upon being hit by the spinning shield, making it a great skill to use against enemy players and bosses so players are encouraged to use the ability as much as they can. With a 12-second cooldown, that should be no problem.

5 Falling Sword

Diablo Immortal Crusader Falling Sword in action

Unlocked at level 8, Falling Sword allows players to impale a location with a holy sword where it deals damage to all nearby enemies over 5 seconds. When activated the second time, the skill will effectively teleport to the sword’s location dealing further damage to adjacent enemies.

This skill does a lot of extra AOE damage and towards the end-game will become even more powerful. In PVP, the ability also helps players to teleport out of a dicey situation or towards enemies that are targeting squishier members of a player’s team.

4 Draw And Quarter

Diablo Immortal Crusader Draw And Quarter

Available at level 15, the Draw And Quarter skill allows players to temporarily mount a celestial horse for about 6 seconds. This not only looks cool and helps to cover short distances but it also removes all movement impairing debuffs and effects. The player’s speed is increased to a whopping 65% and the primary attack is also enhanced with a strike.

To top it all off, the ability has an additional feature where holy chains will appear and bind up to 8 nearby monsters and drag them along with the player. This skill is essential to the Crusader class as Draw And Quarter is one of its strongest abilities in terms of damage output. When activated, the Crusader class also becomes the fastest out of all the others.

3 Consecration

Diablo-Immortal-Crusader-Consecrated ground closeup

Unlocked at level 20, Consecration allows players to consecrate the ground around them, dealing damage to all nearby enemies for 6 seconds. Overall, this ability is considered to be one of the best AOE abilities within the game and a must-have for any Crusader build as it is capable of eliminating huge numbers of enemy mobs.

With a cooldown of only 15 seconds, this ability becomes a lethal skill within the Crusader’s arsenal as it is capable of whittling down enemy numbers and elite targets with high health.

2 Holy Banner

Diablo-Immortal-Crusader-Holy-Banner ability

Unlocked at level 38, players can put down a Holy Banner that will inspire nearby allies for about 11 seconds. During this time, allies will receive a 100% increase in their critical hit chance but experience a decrease in their critical hit damage. Instead of being able to do critical damage, the damage output regresses to just 135% instead.

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Whilst that might seem like a slight step backward, the ability will significantly allow allies to deal more damage frequently. However, although this skill works well within a group, it isn’t very viable for solo play as it is more of a support skill.

1 Conjuration Of Light

Crusader-Class-Diablo-Immortal conjuration of light concept art

Available at level 50, Conjuration of Light essentially calls down a heavenly beam of holy light and protects the player and all nearby allies from all damage for 3 seconds, essentially making the player and allies invulnerable for a short period.

This skill is recommended for group fights against difficult mobs and bosses or against enemy players in PVP as it essentially saves the group from taking any more damage. Useful as a support skill and to buff the player and nearby allies, this skill is not ideal for solo play.

Diablo Immortal is available on Mobile and PC.

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