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Fast-paced, loot-driven demon-slaying is the name of the game in Diablo Immortal. The game is loaded with more depth than the typical action RPG, but it can be easy to lose sight of that while in the midst of explosions, hellfire, and a hail of arrows. Whether grinding with one's Warband in the rift or soloing through the main story, there's plenty to do.

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With so much happening in Diablo Immortal, it's easy to make mistakes. Some of these are small inconveniences that just make the game a bit harder than it needs to be. Others are massive issues that can derail an entire run. There's nothing wrong with grabbing a beefy axe and charging wildly into the depths, but even the most reckless adventurers will live longer and loot more by avoiding these basic mistakes.

10 Forgetting Auto Pick-up

Diablo Immortal showers the player with loot, dropping new weapons, armor, gems, and other gear all over the battlefield. With every monster killed and chest opened, the treasure pile only grows. It can be easy to overlook a powerful new weapon on the ground while one is busy running around fighting, exploring, and grinding one's way to the level cap.

There's a simple solution: turning on auto pick-up. This feature causes the character to automatically collect nearby items, reducing micromanagement and making sure nothing gets missed. The player can even set auto pick-up to only grab items of certain rarities if they're worried about inventory bloat.

9 Mismanaging Health

A battle in Diablo Immortal showing Health Globes

Early in the game, it's easy to wade through battalions of skeletal soldiers, spiders, werewolves, demons, and other beasts with only superficial injuries to show for the fight. As the player progresses, however, difficult mobs and bosses will make quick work of careless players who aren't minding their health.

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The most important aspect of health management is knowing how and when to heal. The player has three health potions available to them. Supplementing these are the red health orbs that drop when the player kills enemies or deals damage to bosses. Whereas health potions work on a cooldown, health orbs can be absorbed back to back, closing large wounds and letting the player survive the most devastating enemy onslaught.

8 Failing To Experiment With Skills

A skill list in Diablo Immortal

Every class has a variety of skills, unlocking new ones and increasing the power of old ones as they level up. Some are straightforward, simply dealing a base amount of damage, while others require tactical decision-making, such as the Necromancer's Bone Wall which allows the player to create an emergency barrier to hold back the ravaging hordes while the player heals or moves to a more advantageous position.

Learning the most efficient way to use skills is key, but equally important is learning what combinations of skills synergize well with one another. Chain reactions, last-second escapes, and devastating assassinations are all possible if the player takes the time to experiment.

7 Not Playing With Others

diablo immortal change difficulty

Diablo Immortal isn't just an action RPG, it's also an MMO. Almost everywhere they go, players will run into others, whether upgrading items at the blacksmith, shopping, picking up bounties, or fighting monsters in the wild. Much of the game can be played solo, working one's way through the main mission and diving into dungeons.

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However, some content is better with or even requires others. The advantages are obvious. Adventuring alongside members of other classes means one's weaknesses can be compensated for. Melee fighters get ranged assistance from the backline, while ranged characters and spellcasters get a tank up front to take the brunt of the damage. Having a partner or three on hand to help with missions and resurrect the player if it all goes sideways is invaluable.

6 Ignoring Bounties


A replenishable supply of Bounties is available from the Bounty Board in the safe zone. These are, for the most part, straightforward missions: going somewhere to kill a certain number of a specific monster, possibly collecting their hide or quills while the player is at it.

In addition to offering the player the diversion of some side activities other than puzzles and a break from the main mission, Bounties are a quick and easy way to earn some gold, get some loot, and grind some EXP. For players locked out of the main mission because they aren't quite high enough level yet, Bounties can be just the thing.

5 Walking Instead Of Teleporting

A map of side quests in Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal's map is deceptively large, encompassing a variety of different hub areas, biomes, and dungeons. At first, the player is forced to walk everywhere, but they will quickly unlock the ability to teleport between various waypoints, gaining access to more and more as they explore new areas.

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Teleporting makes the journey back to Westmarch to scrap unneeded items, upgrade gear, and socialize with other players a far less painful experience than it would otherwise be, and it makes travel in general far easier. Unless the player has a compelling reason to do otherwise, it is almost always better to teleport instead of walking.

4 Being Precious With Resources Instead Of Upgrading

Diablo Immortal - Blacksmith

In some games, it's disadvantageous to upgrade gear at the earliest possible opportunity, because doing so means dumping resources into an item that's soon going to be rendered obsolete.

Diablo Immortal solves this problem by allowing the player to transfer ranks and socketed gems from one piece of gear to another, ensuring no progress is lost as the player changes their kit. As a result, it's always to the player's advantage to upgrade as soon as possible. Rather than hoarding resources, spend them freely.

3 Not Unlocking The Helliquary

diablo immortal level cap

One of Diablo Immortal's most important new features is the Helliquary. After completing the main questline in Bilefen, the player will return to Westmarch and meet with Rayoc who will assign them the task of completing a Level Six Challenge Rift.

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Killing Chaos Herald Pyl grants the player their first piece of Scoria, a vital resource necessary to upgrade the Helliquary. Boosting the level of the Helliquary boosts the level of combat items earned from it. Unlocking the Helliquary allows the player to begin earning Scoria from battle pass quests and raids.

2 Letting The Inventory Overwhelm

Diablo Immortal - Inventory

With multiple stats, gem sockets, and special abilities to think about, selecting one's gear can be a complicated affair, and it's easy to let the inventory bloat with items that have only subtle differences between them.

Rather than get bogged down by small details, early in the game it's better to just equip whatever item is stronger.

Doing so is easy since the game will mark stronger items with a green, upward-facing arrow in the inventory. Later, once the player is more familiar with the game, they can dig into all the details that separate one item from the next.

1 Choosing The Wrong Class


Diablo Immortal includes six playable classes: Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, and Wizard. Each of these has unique strengths – be they high single-target damage, DoT, AoE, crowd-control, melee tanking, or mobility – and each is well-balanced against the others.

From the perspective of completing the main story and surviving tough encounters, there's no wrong class. Since they play differently and favor different strategies, however, it's important to choose a class that the player will be happy grinding with and developing for the long haul. Ultimately, whatever class one finds the most fun is the right choice.

Diablo Immortal is available on mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, And More