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How is it that almost every build in Diablo Immortal for the Demon Hunter has Vengeance on the toolbar? For a move that only lasts for six seconds, how has every build somehow managed to find a place for it on their taskbar? There are two answers to this question.

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The first answer is that it carries a passive movement buff, which every build in Diablo Immortal won't say no to. The next answer is that the move is incredibly strong for those six seconds. Players who build around this seemingly brief interval can even make the move last for substantially longer.

Due to several factors, like gear, skills, reforging, and upgrades, it is impossible to list the exact quantities for many of the numbers detailed here. Any variable number has been replaced with an 'X' to signify its potential to change.

Skill Selection

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Vengeance Build Collage




Primary Skill

Crossbow Shot

Shoot an arrow for X to X damage while moving at reduced speed.



Active: Transform into the physical embodiment of Vengeance for X seconds, causing every Primary Attack to launch X additional shots for X damage each. Passive: Gain X% increased movement speed for each nearby enemy stacking up to X times.


Rain Of Vengeance

Fire a massive volley of arrows into the air that rain down for several seconds, dealing X damage to all enemies in the area over X seconds.



Fire a salvo of arrows, dealing X damage to all enemies in a direction. Maximum X charges.


Daring Swing

Use a rope to swing to a nearby location, dealing X damage to enemies on the way while they cannot attack you. Maximum X charges.

Aside from the mobility skill with Daring Swing, it becomes apparent that Vengeance pairs nicely with area of effect abilities. This is because killing units will increase the duration. Kill a mob of targets and max out the duration.


Diablo Immortal Group Of Each Class In A Cathedral

The bulk of gamers will be hunting down their ideal pieces of legendary gear after taking the time to beat the game. But don't forget to track down the set bonus pieces after choosing them from the list. A complete set gives three additional effects, on par with the legendary bonuses from the regular gear.

Primary Gear



Legendary Effect


Vision of the Lost

During Vengeance, each defeated enemy increases the remaining duration of Vengeance by X seconds, up to a maximum increase of X seconds.


Heart of Vengeance

Vengeance cooldown decreased by X%.


Hailstone Shoulders

Rain of Vengeance becomes empowered with frost, damaging and Chilling enemies.


Coff's Unrelenting Fury

During Vengeance, every X Primary attacks will cause you to launch X additional rocket that deals X damage to a nearby target.

Main Hand

Dreadlands Requital

Rain of Vengeance damage increased by X%.

Off Hand

The Hungerer

Crossbow Shot will now pierce through enemies and strike additional enemies behind.

Many skills can only be boosted by a single gear slot, but Vengeance Demon Hunters get three. When not boosting Vengeance itself, boosting the primary attack and Rain Of Vengeance serve to increase the build's damage output.

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Set Items

Set Bonus

2/6 Effect

4/6 Effect

6/6 Effect

Vithu's Urges

Increases the duration of all beneficial effects on you or your party members by X%.

Increases the target's Attack Speed by X% for X seconds each time you use a skill to grant a beneficial effect to yourself or a party member.

Each time you use a skill to buff yourself or a party member, creates an area of apotheosis for X seconds that grants X% Life Drain to yourself and any party members within the area. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

Although Vithu's Urges presents itself as more of a support set, the "beneficial effect" and "buff" aspects apply to Vengeance. The duration will increase, the attack speed will be higher, and, most critical to challenge rifts, the Demon Hunter will get some life stealing.

Reforge Bonuses

Diablo Immortal looking At Reforge Stones From The Vendor

Even for paid players, reforge attribute bonuses can be guided, but are not guaranteed completely. With enough rerolls, any player can eventually get the exact attribute they want, but this will take time and luck, even for those who have the money. Therefore, several different attributes have been listed within the same family, in order of preference.

Family Bonus


Family Attribute


You have a X% chance when you defeat an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.

Considering that the Vengeance build will be destroying groups of enemies en masse, the Hydra will be regularly popping up. Coincidentally, it will help by killing more clusters of opponents, feeding back into Vengeance.





Primary attack damage increased by X%.


Critical Hit damage increased by X%.


All skill damage increased by X%.

Vengeance, itself, does not deal damage. Rather, it enhances the Demon Hunter's other attacks. Wildfire attributes are loaded with good choices for the Vengeance build.


Diablo Immortal Looking At Five Star Legendary Gems In The Auction House

There are two kinds of gems to consider for this build: the legendary gems and the regular gems. Players of all income levels will be using this guide, so there are three charts for legendary gems to choose from. Probability demands that even paying for an advantage will still make it tough to get the right gems, so feel free to mix and match from the charts based on the character's most valuable stats.

Legendary Gems

5-Star Gem


Blood-Soaked Jade

Increases all damage you deal by up to X% and your Movement Speed by X%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of X%.

Bottled Hope

Using a skill to grant a buff increases the target's damage done and movement speed by X% for X seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds per target.

Echoing Shade

Your attacks have a X% chance to summon a shadow clone for X seconds that gains some of your abilities.

Howler's Call

Your Primary Attack has a X% chance to summon a charging spirit wolf that inflicts X% base damage +X to all enemies in its path. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

Seeping Bile

Your attacks have a X% chance to poison enemies, inflicting X% base damage +X every second for X seconds. This poison spreads to nearby enemies if the victim dies. Cannot affect the same target more often than once every X seconds.

Zwenson's Haunting

When you defeat an enemy, summon a dark beast to attack nearby enemies, dealing X% base damage +X to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more than once every X seconds.

The Resonance bonuses alone are enough of a reason to use the 5-star gems. These are simple choices that focus on offensive output to enhance the Vengeance window.

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2-Star Gem


Bloody Reach

Increases all damage you deal by X% for every X yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of X% at X yards.

Cutthroat's Grin

Gain X% increase Critical Hit Chance when attacking from behind.

Fervent Fang

Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes X% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of X% at X stacks.

Follower's Burden

Increases all damage you deal by X% for each summon you control, up to a maximum increase of X%.

Lightning Core

Your Primary Attacks and movement slowly charge you up with electricity. When fully charged, your next Primary Attack will release chain lightning, dealing X% base damage +X to nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

Power And Command

Power and Command alternate states every X seconds. Power increases your Primary Attack damage by X%. Command increases all other skill damage by X%.

Although Follower's Burden may seem out of place, there will be occasions between the 5-Star gems and Wildfire family that a summon occurs. The only gems left out have more to do with tanking than dishing it out.

1-Star Gem


Berserker's Eye

Increases all damage you deal by X%, but increases all damage you take by X%.

Ca'arsen's Invigoration

Increases the speed of your Primary Attack by X%.

Chained Death

Increases damage done by your attacks by X% per target hit, up to a maximum of X% with X targets.

Everlasting Torment

Your critical hits inflict agony, dealing X% Base damage +X every second for X seconds. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every X seconds.

Seled's Weakening

Gain X% increased damage for X seconds after killing an Elite monster.

Zod Stone

Increases the duration of your Ultimate Skills by X%.

The Vengeance Demon Hunter will be using primary attacks quite often, compared to other classes, so the Zod Stone and Ca'arsen's Invigoration are more valuable to this build than they are with most classes.

Regular Gem Preference












+Armor Penetration

Given the choice between tanking and damage, elect for extra damage every time, allowing the best defense to be a good offense.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More