Players eager to cross paths with Inarius and Lilith in Diablo 4 will have to wait for the game’s full release in June 2923; in the meantime, Diablo Immortal has the Accursed Towers Mode to spice things up for people who want a more mobile Diablo experience. Coming with the game’s third major update via the “Age of Falling Towers,” the Accursed Towers Mode provides a new layer of PVE and PVP. Multiple towers are up for grabs while continuously providing rewards to their owners, especially coveted Cursed Items that are powerful Legendaries with penalties in exchange for power.

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In the lore of Diablo Immortal, Accursed Towers were a part of Sanctuary’s past, wherein mysterious towers with hidden treasures were dug up in multiple areas across the realm. Unfortunately for nearby denizens, the longer people stay exposed to these Towers, the more “broken” they become in the long term. As players explore these rediscovered Accursed Towers, they soon realize that the aura of power surrounding these locations comes from demonic presence; however, the artifacts inside them are overflowing with powerful energies. Just how can players dominate the Accursed Towers Mode?

10 Imagine The Mode As More Farming, With Fewer Fights

Accursed Towers

While the gameplay of Diabo Immortal's Accursed Towers are more or less another spin on the Clan Wars setup, players who want to maximize their time spent in this mode to accumulate resources should think of the structures as less of a means to fight other Clans and instead as a farming opportunity. This means the priority here is to get as many Cursed Shards from enemies as possible, regardless of the means.

A key strategy here is to see if players can figure out a farming “route” when going around their Accursed Tower, akin to how they can find probable farmable locations of Aspirant’s Keys. Chances are, the game will follow a general “layout” of the dungeon, with approximate locations of Curse Sources and the kinds of enemies players will encounter. Having a concrete idea as to what to expect and how to get to these locations the fastest can help players be more tactical when trying to secure the most Shards.

9 Check Zone Advantage

An Accursed Tower Zone

Aside from being able to identify farming “routes” throughout the Diablo Immortal mode, players also need to take note of what colored zone they are traversing. Not only are areas of the map the usual plain brown, but there are also times that the zone they are entering changes in color in the mini-map.

Orange zones should be prioritized as they provide twice the buffs in terms of both time boosts and Cursed Shards. Players who find themselves in these zones should kill mobs as much as possible since even trash enemies can drop much better drops. While players shouldn’t prolong their stay in these areas, they are worth checking out especially if more mobs than usual end up flocking to this location.

8 Have A Team To Maximize Mobs

Players in Accursed Tower Mode

With Accursed Towers emphasizing Clans in Diablo Immortal, it’s unsurprising how the game mode incentivizes teams. Ideally, players can get a team of four, as that’s the maximum number of people who can access an Accursed Tower. This setup immediately allows players to kill as many mobs as possible, further extending their time in the Tower and giving more room for enemies to respawn and drop more Shards. Having a team also allows players to organize roles for their runs, making the collection more efficient.

In that regard, Clans should organize various clearing teams to secure as many points as possible so the Clan’s score in the overall mode is also raised. This strategy becomes integral come the second week when other Clans can try claiming the Tower, wherein PVP becomes a focus in combat.

7 Grab Heavy-Hitters For Faster Clears


The key to such a fighting-heavy mode is to grab heavy hitters capable of securing kills the fastest. This means PVP-oriented Diablo Classes such as the Crusader aren’t ideal, but instead PVE-leaning AOE spammers such as the Barbarian can make clearing mobs much faster.

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In fact, the Barbarian is easily one of the best Classes to have when doing Accursed Towers. While their Sprint can already increase their movement speed, having the Swiftwing Essence Pants equipped alongside other movement-related Diablo Immortal Charms will enable the Barbarian to share the movement speed buff with all nearby allies, further incentivizing playstyles that rely on teams being close together.

6 Secure A Runner For Advanced Clears

A runner ahead in an Accursed Tower

One of the most efficient strategies when trying to dominate this Diablo Immortal game mode is to secure a runner in the team. In the context of dungeon-clearing, a runner is the designated scout or fastest member of the group. Among the Diablo Immortal Classes, this is most likely the Wizard due to their front-facing teleport feature. A fully-built Wizard can then dash through much of the existing map and clear mobs as well as trigger Curse Sources as soon as they reach them. They are advised not to secure Shards and instead save them for later to maximize the time they have on the map.

While it’s advisable to follow the team’s circular exploration strategy above, the runner has the incentive of being able to clear the next layer of the Accursed Tower by virtue of their speed. Given the relationship between time left, shared buffs, and Shards in the game, the runner can continue clearing mobs and Towers while not collecting Shards. After all, they will eventually reach the first batch of Shards they haven’t collected as they re-tour the map anyway.

5 Take Advantage Of Shared Buffs

A player fighting with an ally in Accursed Tower mode

Should a four-man Diablo Immortal team get to an Accursed Tower, the best thing for them to do is to stick close to each other in the beginning parts of the mode to eliminate as many mobs in the shortest time possible. Theoretically, this should be enough for mobs to drop as many Curse Shards as needed and to extend the team’s time at the onset.

It’s important to remember that while players may acquire different Cursed Shards throughout an Accursed Tower run, this Diablo Immortal mode has a different approach to how players gather buffs: namely, the time increases and Cursed Shards themselves. Players should remember that kills are shared in the game, meaning a character that kills an enemy can release Shards so that another person picks them up.

4 Clear The Dungeon Per Layer

A Wizard is ideal for clearing ahead layers in Accursed Tower

Another interesting tidbit regarding this Diablo Immortal mode is how Accursed Towers are almost always organized as a circular dungeon with multiple “layers,” with an outer circle border having entrances that let players go much deeper into more dangerous territory. While players can more or less explore these locations as they wish, it’s recommended for them to slowly explore an Accursed Tower per layer, especially if they are the runner.

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Using this strategy not only ensures that every Curse Source is cleared efficiently, but it also allows teams to safely navigate areas and proceed to deeper layers knowing they haven’t left anything behind. When used properly, players should be able to maximize their time exploring just one layer only to have even more time buffs and Shards awaiting them once they start exploring a deeper layer.

3 Wait Until The Last Moment

Warning about the Cursed Shards

When Diablo Immortal players run out of time in Accursed Towers, get to the Purifying Brazier that collects their Cursed Shards and rewards them. However, players can actually try leaning on this mechanic to reap as many Cursed Shards as possible. Since players will likely be able to explore the map provided they still have time under their counter, they may inevitably encounter Curse Sources to activate. These Curse Sources can be integral to extending the time players have in the mode as they also contain a considerable number of Curse Shards.

In that regard, when players find a Curse Source before the timer runs out, they should consider waiting until the last few seconds before triggering it. That way, they get a few more precious seconds instead of just “overlapping” their existing time inside the Accursed Tower. Theoretically, “overextending” can help players explore the map further and identify other Curse Sources before triggering them, allowing them to know in advance where to go and worry less about not finding Curse Sources in time.

2 Get More Killstreaks, Not Just Shards

Player with a high kill streak

Players must remember that even if their time runs, they can still explore the map, destroy Curse Sources, and even kill mobs. The caveat here of course is that they won’t be able to grab new Curse Shards anymore. However, players should remember that they can only get Curse Shards they have generated while they had time in the instance. This is why players can still explore the map even after their run is over, especially if the team could grab more time on their end, as they can collect the Shards they’ve left behind.

It’s also advisable for everyone to try and secure more killstreaks at first, as a higher rate can also increase the buffs and Curse Shards provided to players. This heavily incentivizes strategic gameplay in how players can manage getting more Curse Shards first to get more time, but also killing more enemies so the Curse Shards they drop can reap higher bonuses.

1 Consider Bosses As Strategic Points

A boss fight in the Accursed Tower

Accursed Towers spawn bosses akin to an endless dungeon, making this mode a potentially appealing addition to Diablo Immortal's endgame options. While the added layer of challenge can be a thrilling point for Diablo Immortal players, they may want to consider looking at bosses as strategic points instead of ways to show off their neat combos and skills.

Remember, bosses can drop buffs extending the team’s timer to 10 seconds. Players can easily decide to kill the boss right there and then secure the buff as soon as possible, but it’s also a viable strategy to try and save the boss for later to get that much-needed speed buff to prolong exploration by just a little bit.

Diablo Immortal is available for the PC, Android, and iOS

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