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If players are looking to play a role in Diablo Immortal that deals high damage to multiple enemies strategically then they need to look no farther than the wizard. Wizards are exceptionally known for their brilliant use of crowd control and spells and can be very rewarding to play when positioned well, synergizing a variety of abilities, and armed with the right weapon.

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The Wizard class is ideal for players that like to approach strategically and do mass damage from afar as opposed to hacking their opponents apart at the frontlines. Though a little ‘squishy’ in terms of HP, the Wizard does incredible AOE damage, has great combos, and decent mobility as Wizards no surprisingly can teleport. There are multiple builds and skill synergies and choosing the right combination of stats and abilities will make all the difference in a difficult PVE or PVP encounter.

7 Magic Missile

Diablo Immortal missile

One of the Wizard’s starting and basic abilities, the missile is a basic damage ability whereby the player launches an arcane missile toward the enemy.

This skill has an ultimate ability known as Ice Missile in which the magic missile is enhanced with frost for 12 seconds, increasing damage and slowing enemies that have been hit. Overall, the Magic Missile will be the player’s first and best primary skill they can get for the Wizard. Players are recommended to use this ability as much as possible whilst other skills are on cooldown.

6 Scorch

Diablo Immortal Wizard Scorch

Available at level 1, Scorch allows players to launch an orb of fire that deals high damage and knocks back enemies. As the orb follows a trajectory towards the enemy, it leaves a burning trail that deals damage for over 6 seconds.

This ability is considered to be one of the best starter abilities as it not only pushes enemies coming toward a player away but that it does burn damage that stacks on. The scorch ability can be paired with another ability known as Arcane Wind to do extra damage and rise in level quickly.

5 Arcane Wind

diablo immortal arcane wind

Available at level 1, Arcane Wind has players unleash a wave of wind in a particular direction, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. This ability can be charged meaning that the player can charge their Arcane Wind ability to increase range, knockback distance, and do higher damage.

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This ability does 50% more damage to enemies that are burning which is why both Scorch and Arcane Wind can be a deadly combination if employed skillfully. As both skills have a 9-second cooldown, the Wizard can continuously unleash havoc using these 2 skills.

4 Lightning Nova

diablo immortal lightning nova

Unlocked at level 3, Lightning Nova can be used to deal damage in all directions. The skill itself is comprised of 10 lightning balls that shoot out from the Wizard avatar. Like a boomerang, the balls of lightning will return to the player dealing damage going outwards and coming back to the player in their new location.

Overall, this is a low cooldown skill (6 seconds) that can be used often to cause high damage. Towards the endgame, this skill can be enhanced by players with different offhand items to make the ability even better.

3 Teleport

diablo-immortal-wizard teleport

The Teleport skill can be acquired early on in the game by players. With a cooldown of 15 seconds, players can teleport or dash towards a particular location up to 3 times. This skill is vital to the Wizard class as it offers quick mobility and can help the player level up quicker.

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The ability also helps players escape sticky situations, especially in dungeons with large mobs. Players can quickly avoid being overwhelmed by enemies and be able to stay in the fight. Moreover, this ability is useful in PVP to avoid getting bogged down by melee fighters or enemy AOE abilities.

2 Black Hole

diablo immortal black hole

Unlocked at level 38, the Black Hole is a skill that allows players to unleash a black hole that lasts for 3 seconds. During this duration, all nearby enemies will be pulled into this hole and will take damage.

Although this skill doesn’t do much damage, its ability to crowd control and group up enemies can make it powerful. Used as an opening move, the Black Hole ability can be followed up with other skills and primary methods of attack to dish out some heavy damage on enemies.

1 Meteor

diablo immortal wizard summoning meteor

Unlocked at level 41, the Meteor skill allows the player to summon a meteor to rain down on foes. This not only does an exceptional amount of damage but also stuns enemies within the impact area for a good 3 seconds. The ground will also become scorched upon impact, burning enemies for 6 seconds.

The ability has one setback in that it has a delayed impact, meaning that players will need to time the meteor correctly to deal the maximum amount of damage against enemies. This ability can also replace Scorch as it pretty much does the same thing (burn enemies) but does more damage.

Diablo Immortal is available on mobile and PC.

More: Diablo Immortal: How To Become A Shadow