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Diablo Immortal is a game that has split fans of the franchise. Whilst some gamers feel that the game’s microtransactions and immoral practices have ruined their gaming experience, others can see past those aspects and feel that Diablo Immortal itself is a decent game.

Related: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More

There is a tendency for PVE to be played in groups with friends banding together against evil. In contrast, PVP is a highly chaotic deathmatch with players darting rapidly around the map. This in turn makes some skills including buffing, debuffing, and AOE a little less effective. Thus, skills will have to be shuffled around to turn each respective class into smooth killing machines.

6 Barbarian

diablo immortal level cap

The Barbarian class can be considered one of the best classes when it comes to PVP. Barbarians excel in dealing high amounts of damage to single targets and are extremely mobile when it comes to darting to and fro across the map. Several aspects such as chasing down fleeing targets, exiting combat to heal up, and moving between objectives are crucial in attaining victory. Aspects that the Barbarian satisfies.

Related: Diablo Immortal: Best Legendary Armors For The Barbarian Class

Players should choose the following skills that will make their Barbarian effective in PVP combat.

  • Hammer Of The Ancients: This ability allows players to summon down a massive hammer upon the heads of enemies. The impacted area on the ground is also shattered, dealing additional damage for 2 seconds. The skill is typically included in every build and is the go-to skill for any Barbarian.
  • Sprint: This skill increases the Barbarian’s movement for 4.5 seconds and players can move freely through enemies and are immune to movement impairing effects. This skill is perfect when escaping enemies whilst having low health.
  • Undying Rage: This ability allows players to enter into a state of rage for 5 seconds. Players cannot die in this state and every attack made in this state will heal the Barbarian for 30% of the total damage down, essentially allowing the player to remain longer in the fight.

5 Crusader

Diablo_Immortal_Crusader_spinning Shield concept art

The Crusader is another fantastic class when it comes to PVP. Crusaders do great amounts of single-target damage, have high mobility, have abilities that have high AOE damage, and have decent CC skills. The Crusader class is so popular as it is a great all-rounder and has all the talents necessary to thrive in PVP.

Several skills will make any Crusader a formidable presence on the battlefield.

  • Spinning Shield: This allows players to hurl shields towards the enemy, dealing damage. As the shields come back, enemies caught in their trajectory will be pulled towards the Crusader. All in all a great AOE skill to have equipped.
  • Drawn and Quarter: The ability essentially allows the player to mount a celestial horse for 6 seconds, increasing the player’s speed. All movement impairing debuffs are removed and holy chains will appear and bind enemies, dragging them toward the Crusader. The mobility and speed offered by this ability are a must for any Crusader in PVP.

4 Wizard

diablo immortal wizard summoning meteor

The Wizard is a strong character in PVP. However, this character needs to be played carefully and be equipped with the right gear and build to truly shine in PVP, something that a lot of players don’t do properly.

Related: Diablo Immortal: Best Legendary Weapons For The Demon Hunter Class

However, the Wizard has the highest hitting damage out of all the other classes and is effective against single targets and groups. Combined with high mobility talents such as the teleport skill and the Wizard can be a true terror in the arena.

  • Teleport: As mentioned above, the teleport is a must for any Wizard in PVP as it allows players to dash into combat to pick off targets or get out of the fight quickly. With 3 maximum charges and a short cooldown, this skill is vital to the survival of any Wizard.
  • Meteor: This ability allows the player to summon a meteor causing high damage and stunning enemies within the impact for 3 seconds. Players will also receive burn damage for about 3 seconds. Overall, this ability can hurt enemies quite well and can be combined with other abilities such as Arcane Wind.
  • Arcane Wind: This skill allows the Wizard to unleash a furious wind in a particular direction, dealing damage and knockback. The ability can be charged, increasing damage, knockback, and range. This ability does 50% more damage to enemies that are burning, making it a good complementary skill to Meteor or Scorch.

3 Necromancer

diablo immortal necromancer bone armor

As one of the most beginner-friendly and popular classes within the game, the Necromancer is a big favorite on PVE servers. In PVP, the Necromancer is an effective CC character that functions very well as a support class. When it comes to PVP, this character has many great AOE abilities whilst having the ability to consistently spawn minions.

In the current state of PVP where many players are entering as solo brawlers, the Necromancer comes in at a disadvantage specifically in regards to mobility. This is where the Necromancer can become vulnerable to Barbarians or Crusaders. However, that shouldn’t deter players from this class as the Necromancer still packs a punch in PVP.

  • Bone Wall: This ability allows players to summon a bone wall that can block enemies coming towards the Necromancer or are attempting to flee the combat zone. In addition to this, the ability blocks enemy projectiles. In PVP, this skill is going to be vital to securing victory.
  • Bone Spikes: This skill summons bone spikes from the ground, dealing damage and stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Players can charge this ability to increase its range and damage.
  • Dark Curse: This skill will curse all enemies within a specific area. This ability deals damage over time but more importantly, significantly reduces the enemy’s vision for 6 seconds. For that duration, enemies can be put at a significant disadvantage whilst the player’s allies go in for the kill.

2 Monk


The Monk is an exceptional class capable of doing high amounts of damage and has extremely high mobility, constantly entering and disengaging from fights. With multiple abilities that have short cooldowns and decent AOE skills, the Monk is an incredible support unit in team fights.

Related: Diablo Immortal: Best Legendary Armors For The Monk Class

However, as previously mentioned, most players in PVP 'play solo' which means that the Monk’s advantages don’t shine through. The problem with the Monk in PVP is that it doesn’t do enough single target damage compared to classes like the Crusader and Barbarian. The Monk primarily enters combat to do multiple hits and then disengage. However, this class still offers multiple skills that can be useful in a PVP arena.

  • Flying Kick: This ability allows the player to kick forward dealing damage to enemies within the path and knocking them away, with kicks rebounding off the walls for additional amounts of damage to nearby enemies.
  • Mystic Strike: With this ability, players can dash forward and leave a spirit behind that will return to the Monk’s body. All enemies in its path will be pulled toward the player and receive damage.

1 Demon Hunter


Excelling in single target damage, the Demon Hunter is well-loved in the PVE scene. In PVP, there are no standout builds that make the Demon Hunter as potent as it is in PvE.

This puts the Demon Hunter into a wildcard position as the class is very powerful but it remains to be fully tested and optimized for PVP. The main disadvantage of the Demon Hunter is its lack of mobility which allows enemies to quickly pick off the player. However, if positioned well, the Demon Hunter can still pack a punch in PVP.

  • Daring Swing: The only main mobility skill within the Demon Hunter’s arsenal, this ability is a must to ensure that the Demon Hunter can get out of sticky situations and also move it for the kill. With 2 charges and a rather long cooldown, players need to be smart in their positioning.
  • Sentry: This ability allows players to deploy up to 2 sentry turrets at any given time that will fire on nearby enemies for 30 seconds. This skill will help melt down enemies when the battles get hectic and chaotic.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

More: Diablo Immortal: How To Become A Shadow