Table of contents

Nobody has to wonder what the Wizard's role on the Diablo Immortal Battlegrounds will be. Some classes can and should be sculpted to keep enemies guessing. But the Wizard? Yeah, that's the team's primary source of damage.

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That can be too much responsibility for many amateurs in Diablo Immortal. Teammates will be frustrated if they tank hits and reposition opponents for the Wizard only for them to escape. With the right build, the Wizard is the star on the team and tops on the kill-to-death ratio scorecard.

Due to several factors, like gear, skills, reforging, and upgrades, it is impossible to list the exact quantities for many of the numbers detailed here. Any variable number has been replaced with an 'X' to signify its potential to change.

Skill Selection

Diablo Immortal Best PvP Battleground Wizard Build Collage




Primary Skill

Magic Missile

Launch a missile of magic energy, dealing X to X damage.



Teleport forward. Maximum X charges.


Black Hole

Conjure a black hole for X seconds at a location, which will pull in all nearby enemies and deal X damage over X seconds.


Lightning Nova

Hurl X balls of lightning away from you in all directions, dealing X damage as they pass outward and again as they return to your new location. Limit X hits per target. Hits X and beyond on a target deal only X% damage.



Channel a beam of pure energy in a direction, continually dealing X damage to all enemies caught in the beam and causing them to take X% increased damage for X seconds, stacking up to X times. Using Disintegrate slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Disintegrate is not in use.

Teleport is a cinch in PvP, giving the Wizard more mobility than its rivals. Feel free to move in and then out if the situation looks too dicey. Dead Wizards, no matter how well they've built themselves for PvP, aren't helping the team.


Diablo Immortal Group Of Each Class In A Cathedral

The bulk of gamers will be hunting down their ideal pieces of legendary gear after taking the time to beat the game. But don't forget to track down the set bonus pieces after choosing them from the list. A complete set gives three additional effects, on par with the legendary bonuses from the regular gear.

Primary Gear



Legendary Effect


Mask of Illusions

Teleport now causes you to become invisible and leave behind a mirror image.


Regalia of the Archmage

Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Immobilizing arcane energy.


Searing Judgment

Disintegrate now channels Fire, Burning enemies for additional damage over time.


Chaos Nexus

Disintegrate channels up to X additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing X damage.

Main Hand

Entropic Edge

Disintegrate damage increased by X%.

Off Hand

The Siphon

Casting Lightning Nova temporarily increases your movement speed by X%.

Between the movement of Teleport and the speed from Lightning Nova, there is no chance any opponent can either catch or run away from a Wizard with this build. Disintegrate may be a channeled ability, but if targets are immobilized themselves with Black Hole and Lightning Nova, there isn't any threat of retaliation.

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Set Items

Set Bonus

2/6 Effect

4/6 Effect

6/6 Effect

Grace of the Flagellant

All continual damage, Channeled damage, and persistent ground damage increased by X%.

Each time you damage an individual enemy X times, you will do X additional damage to that enemy.

Each time you deal damage, you have a X% chance to unleash a lightning strike, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies and Stunning them for X seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

It should be noted that many PvP gamers are tossing in two pieces of the Feasting Baron's Pack as well for the damage to opponents who have lost control, which will indeed happen frequently. With Disintegrate being so core to the build, it becomes important to at least get two pieces of the Grace of the Flagellant set.

Reforge Bonuses

Diablo Immortal looking At Reforge Stones From The Vendor

Even for paid players, reforge attribute bonuses can be guided, but are not guaranteed completely. With enough rerolls, any player can eventually get the exact attribute they want, but this will take time and luck, even for those who have the money. Therefore, several different attributes have been listed within the same family, in order of preference.

Family Bonus


Family Attribute


Your primary attacks have a X% chance to increase all damage you deal by X% for one second.

Vengeance likely has the very best family attribute in the entire game. A quick player will make great use of that extra damage (which starts at a base of double). The window is small, but it isn't hard to take advantage of.





Damage to enemies suffering loss of control increased by X%.


Damage to players increased by X%.


Attack speed increased by X%.

Even more than the family bonus, these individual attributes are the reason to choose the Vengeance family in PvP. Extra damage to players who are suffering loss of control is nearly all the damage the Wizard will do, so this is less situational and more of a straight-up DPS increase.


Diablo Immortal Looking At Five Star Legendary Gems In The Auction House

There are two kinds of gems to consider for this build: the legendary gems and the regular gems. Players of all income levels will be using this guide, so there are three charts for legendary gems to choose from. Probability demands that even paying for an advantage will still make it tough to get the right gems, so feel free to mix and match from the charts based on the character's most valuable stats.

Legendary Gems

5-Star Gem


Blood-Soaked Jade

Increases all damage you deal by up to X% and your Movement Speed by X%, with less damage bonus the lower your Life, to a minimum of X%.

Chip of Stoned Flesh

Each time you cause an enemy total loss of control, you will also apply an explosive curse. When the curse expires, the enemy will explode for damage equal to X% of all damage taken during its duration, up to a maximum of X% base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds per target.

Bottled Hope

Using a skill to grant a buff increases the target's damage done and movement speed by X% for X seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds per target.

Seeping Bile

Your attacks have a X% chance to poison enemies, inflicting X% base damage +X every second for X seconds. This poison spreads to nearby enemies if the victim dies. Cannot affect the same target more often than once every X seconds.

Zwenson's Haunting

When you defeat an enemy, summon a dark beast to attack nearby enemies, dealing X% base damage +X to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more than once every X seconds.

Phoenix Ashes

Prevents fatal damage, and then grants a shield for X seconds that absorbs damage equal to X% of your base damage. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

These 5-Star gems are also great for PvE instances, especially with the extra tankiness tossed in there. But there is no question that an errant or lucky hit can be fatal for a Wizard. Covering this weakness with a couple of 5-Star gems is a wise idea.

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2-Star Gem


Bloody Reach

Increases all damage you deal by X% for every X yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of X% at X yards.

Fervent Fang

Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes X% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of X% at X stacks.

Power and Command

Power and Command alternate states every X seconds. Power increases your Primary Attack damage by X%. Command increases all other skill damage by X%.

Unity Crystal

You and all party members take X% reduced damage per additional party member within X yards of you.


Decreases all melee damage you take by X% from enemies within X yards.

Lightning Core

Your Primary Attacks and movement slowly charge you up with electricity. When fully charged, your next Primary Attack will release chain lightning, dealing X% base damage +X to nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every X seconds.

Because of the Resonance bonus, any 2-Star gem should replace most 1-Star gems, even if the effect is less beneficial. Given the ability to choose between them all, these are good choices. The Unity Crystal is one that everyone on the team will appreciate.

1-Star Gem


Respite Stone

Decreases all damage you take by X% for every X% your Life is below maximum, up to maximum damage decrease of X%.

Chained Death

Increases damage done by your attacks by X% per target hit, up to a maximum of X% with X targets.

Everlasting Torment

Your critical hits inflict agony, dealing X% Base damage +X every second for X seconds. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every X seconds.

Ca'arsen's Invigoration

Increases the speed of your Primary Attack by X%.

Trickshot Gem

Your Channeled skills consume energy X% slower.

Zod Stone

Increases the duration of your Ultimate Skills by X%.

The Trickshot gem should be held in high regard for any build that incorporates a channeled ability. For this PvP Wizard, it should be used unless the player has six or more higher-quality gems ready to be equipped.

Regular Gem Preference












+Armor Penetration

Given the choice between tanking and damage, elect for extra damage every time, allowing the best defense to be a good offense. A few PvP-heavy players have a few defensive variety gems on them. If it feels like the build isn't tanky enough, adjust accordingly.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More