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The Demon Hunter in Diablo Immortal can help out with support, tanking, and disables, but gamers need to get real with themselves about its primary role. The Demon Hunter is a damage machine first and a damage machine last. The class has the prime directive to lead the DPS charts.

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Players that feel like they aren't maximizing the class shouldn't give up hope on playing Diablo Immortal entirely. Consider the main problem is likely the weapons used. With an upgrade to better legendary weapons, the Demon Hunter can almost play itself.

8 Shredder Vane - PvP - Off-Hand

  • Chakram now orbits your location for several seconds.

It can feel like joining the PvP cheaters to simply damage anything and everything close to the Demon Hunter. The Shredder Vane is just that powerful, turning a move that frequently misses into a move that is nearly impossible to dodge.

The Spinning Chakram becomes more than just a boomerang on a vector. It punishes anybody in the vicinity of the character, great for hinting down moving targets and keeping attackers away.

7 The Hungerer - PvE - Off-Hand

Diablo Immortal Using An Auto Attack Against A Grave Robber
  • Crossbow Shot will now pierce through enemies and strike additional enemies behind.

The Crossbow Shot, the auto-attack, might be the most widely criticized part of the Demon Hunter's lineup. It's often scrapped for the other primary attack, which has issues itself but at least gives the character some AoE. The Hungerer, thankfully, allows players to use the better attack and gives it piercing capabilities.

It goes without saying how amazing this is against groups. If an elite mob pops up on the map while using auto-navigation, stop, fire a few shots, reap the rewards, and move on. In rifts, it's a must-have.

6 Hellbinder - PvP - Off-Hand

Diablo Immortal Hitting A Large Group With A Multishot
  • Explosive Arrow now also causes enemies to Burn for X damage over 2 seconds.

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The players who love the Demon Hunter are a particular breed. They are well aware that it's not the easiest class to use, but they love all the tools, mobility, and damage output. These kinds of gamers will absolutely adore what the Hellbinder brings to the table.

Adding a damage-over-time effect to a primary attack is like using a skill with no cooldown with each attack. The extra damage is the perfect pairing for the burst capabilities of the Demon Hunter.

5 Nightwarden's Eye - PvE - Off-Hand

Diablo Immortal Standing In The Middle Of A Rain Of Vengeance
  • Sentry damage increased by 10%.

While the development team at Activision-Blizzard goes to work ironing out the issues with Diablo Immortal, players will have to hope that a nerf to Sentry isn't coming. The skill has a strong PvE carrying ability as enemies tend to ignore this source of damage.

An extra 10% damage is huge, especially when fighting elite mobs and rift bosses that force the Demon Hunter to wiggle around. This is time spent doing no damage unless there are a few Sentries placed beforehand.

4 Breath Of Winter - PvP - Main Hand

Diablo Immortal Bumping A Large Mob With A Knockback Shot
  • Multishot now fires frost arrows that damage and Chill enemies.

Multishot has uses in PvE and PvP, but the former will likely use it over the latter since it attacks groups of enemies (a rather rare occurrence on the PvP battlefield). But when the Breath of Winter adds a slow to the targets, suddenly Multishot can have the Demon Hunter rocketing up the class tier rankings.

The damage is still there, so this extra disable is not a sacrifice as many other disables are. It's a pure upgrade that has human opponents throwing fits.

3 Turmoil - PvE - Main Hand

Diablo Immortal Using The Crossbow Shot Ultimate
  • Strafe also launches homing rockets, each dealing damage to a nearby enemy.

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Franchise veterans will remember the effectiveness of Strafe from Diablo 3 and be quite excited to see it make a return in this latest installment. It was, and still is, an incredible way to level up fast, taking out enemies from all sides while still allowing the Demon Hunter to move around.

In challenge rifts, the damage can feel a little bit small, especially as the difficulty dips into the double-digits. Instead of dropping Strafe entirely, beef it up with Turmoil, which adds rockets and area damage to the skill.

2 Flamespite - PvP - Main Hand

Diablo Immortal Shape Of The Auto Attack While Using The Crossbow Shot Ultimate
  • Multishot now fires flaming arrows that damage and Burn enemies.

The alternative to the Breath of Winter, the Flamespite again alters Multishot but adds more Burn damage instead of the slow effect from Chill. Slowing targets down is great for team efforts, but battles are often fought one-on-one, allowing short windows for quick executions.

It's a tough choice to make for players who have hit the max-level cap, but either decision is good. The Burn damage will end fights noticeably sooner, so it's likely better for using Multishot without a coordinated group.

1 Watcher's Salvation - PvE - Main Hand

Diablo Immortal Channeling Strafe In The Middle Of Some Spiders
  • Sentry maximum number of active increased by 1.

When hitting a wall, it's natural to think about changing the difficulty, dialing it down to a more manageable task. Instead of doing that, consider picking up the Watcher's Salvation when things get tough. Sentry, as already mentioned, is very powerful in PvE rifts, adding an extra Sentry is an amazing opportunity.

This can also be helpful for those mobs that seem to understand and target the Sentry when it is placed down. The Demon Hunter can treat this extra Sentry as a kind of tank, hiding behind them and dishing out damage while mobs concentrate on the extra threats.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More