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The consensus opinion about the Wizard in Diablo Immortal is that its damage is the best but the class is too easy to kill. Those feelings are going to be accurate as players level up the character without any legendary pieces, either killing a boss outright... or being killed outright by the boss.

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The good news is that the Wizard's damage remains on top while the survivability increases with a few late skills and, most importantly, legendary pieces. Investing in some mobility and defense is a smart choice, but don't shy away from keeping that damage on top of Diablo Immortal's DPS charts.

8 Mask Of Illusions - PvP - Head

Diablo Immortal Taking Out A Zombie With Magic Missile
  • Teleport now causes you to become invisible and leave behind a mirror image.

Going invisible in PvP might feel like something only the game's rampant cheaters can do, but the Mask of Illusions puts this power right into the Wizard's hands. There are two additional aspects of trickery here, as though the Teleport itself was not enough.

Disappearing allows the Wizard to escape clearly or position in a surprise attack. The mirror image, when it fools opponents, will put their skills on cooldown, allowing the Wizard to get a quick and easy upper hand.

7 Crown of Arcane Truths - PvE - Head

Diablo Immortal Taking Out A Wave Of Zombies With Scorch
  • Scorch now launches an arcane orb that explodes when activated again or when it expires, damaging all nearby enemies. Damage and explosion radius grow as it travels.

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Wise gamers know to check their mini-map, even if they are using auto-navigation to get to the next place. A special chest or rare mob might pop up; it is always worth taking a break for a moment to take them out. The quicker, the better, especially for a squishy Wizard.

The Crown of Arcane Truths makes Scorch the perfect initiator. The damage is greater over a longer distance. Shortening up these PvE fights is key to survival for the Wizard.

6 Shoulders Of The Cataclysm - PvP - Shoulders

Diablo Immortal Blasting A Mob With Arcane Wind
  • Meteor damage increased by 10%.

PvP players have a right to feel robbed when it comes to shoulder pieces for the Wizard. All but one legendary piece deals with Disintegrate or Scorch, not skills all that useful in PvP. The class is already not the easiest character to play, the lack of variety is a tough break.

Meteor might not make it into many skill lineups since it can be dodged, but if playing with teammates that have immobilization moves, Meteor can become a free area-of-effect stun. Boosting the damage by 10% is as good as it gets for this slot.

5 Arcane Intensifiers - PvE - Shoulders

Diablo Immortal Lightning Nova Hitting Two Distant Foes
  • Disintegrate will fire a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay.

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Disintegrate is already so strong in PvE that Wizard loyalists are crossing their fingers and hoping Activision-Blizzard doesn't nerf it while they are fixing the game's issues and imbalances. Strengthening Disintegrate further is too good to be true.

Of course, the drawback is a longer windup time, but in PvE, this is hardly an issue. This channeled ability should be used at the beginning and will be empty by the time enemies can close the gap anyhow.

4 Regalia Of The Archmage - PvP - Chest

Diablo Immortal Activating The Magic Missile Ultimate
  • Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Immobilizing arcane energy.

Lightning Nova is far from overpowered. The damage is light, especially considering that the spell pattern that is highly unfocused. Nobody is going to level up quickly and thank Lightning Nova for its contributions afterward.

But the skill in PvP becomes ridiculously powerful when it's tied to an immobilization. Opponents will have to dodge it twice during each cast, ruining an attacker's pursuit or an escapee's path. Giving a DPS machine a disable is rightfully considered too powerful, but the Regalia of the Archmage makes it possible.

3 Frostreaver's Garments - PvE - Chest

Diablo Immortal Hitting An Opponent With The Magic Missile Ultimate
  • Ice Crystal now summons a freezing crystal that inflicts greater damage over time and a stacking Chill.

After running through rifts at lightning speed and without taking any damage, the Wizard has earned its spot at the top of the class tier list. Many gamers will be wondering how the Wizard can complete such a rift without taking damage. Frostreaver's Garments will go a long way.

Extra area damage and a slow effect are game-breakers for PvE. The only hope monsters have is to get into melee range against the Wizard. When they're slowed this badly, that hope is effectively erased.

2 Time-Warped Cloth - PvP - Legs

Diablo Immortal Leveling Up With The Wizard
  • Teleport can now be recast, transporting you back to your original location.

Is the Wizard really easy to kill if the character can't get hit? Acting like a max-level Wizard is just going to stand in place and go blow-for-blow with a Barbarian is a fantasy that only exists in the minds of Barbarians. Wizards are highly mobile.

Giving them an extra tool for their mobility through Time-Warped cloth is jaw-dropping. It may take some time to get used to, but players who master going back and forth with Teleport can tear apart any tank before they get a single hit off on them.

1 Chaos Nexus - PvE - Legs

Diablo Immortal Freezing A Group With Ray Of Frost
  • Disintegrate channels up to 3 additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing X damage.

Franchise Wizards will rejoice in seeing the return of Chaos Nexus, a Disintegrate beam that fires off other beams against enemies nearby. It's the best of both worlds; destroying enemies in a line and all around. Unsurprisingly, this is now a popular piece that is highly sought after.

After acquiring these, players might want to play around with the difficulty to give themselves a better challenge. That may sound like an exaggeration, but these pants are truly that incredible.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More