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With a combination of traps, acrobatics, and targeted attacks, the Demon Hunter is a demanding class to play and gear up. Diablo Immortal offers easier characters with lower floors. But for veteran gamers that want to show off their talents, no class will enable this reality more than the Demon Hunter.

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Still, raw talent only goes so far. Gear has taken a front seat in Diablo Immortal, with legendary armor pieces greatly altering the way the game is played. Playing smart is just as important as playing well, perhaps even more so, and these are the "smartest" pieces of gear that hardcore gamers are looking for.

8 Boundless Ingenuity - PvP - Head

Diablo Immortal Using A Crossbow Shot Against A Zombie
  • Maximum charges on Daring Swing increased by 1.

Despite the prevalence of cheaters in the PvP, it's perfectly legal for the Demon hunter to spend all their time in the air, unhittable, raining death down upon the enemy team. It only requires the use of the Boundless Ingenuity.

An extra charge may not sound like a lot, but think of how having an extra charge can work out. Dash into danger, pick off a weak opponent, then dash out again to safety. It's what makes the Demon Hunter so dreaded in battlegrounds.

7 Ysil's Contained Destruction - PvE - Head

Diablo Immortal Bouncing Enemies Back With A Knockback Shot
  • Sentry now fires mortars that explode to damage all enemies in an area.

The Sentry is a valuable addition to PvE players. More than just useful for clearing out cobwebs, they'll teach bosses how to get business taken care of. The trouble is that they don't really shine for the rest of the dungeon or rift. Until finding Ysil's Contained Destruction.

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Mortars dealing group damage makes the Sentries effective skills all of the time, not just some of the time. It's pretty obvious that a player has this skill when their time on the challenge rift takes a dramatic dive.

6 Chillwrath Mantle - PvP - Shoulders

Diablo Immortal Hitting Three Enemies With A Multishot
  • Daring Swing now fires ice arrows at the ground, forming an icy path that continually damages and Chills.

Using auto-navigation is nice, but it's not as fast as flying around with Daring Swing. That's how PvE players might see the ability, but PvP players depend on this skill to both initiate and disengage from combat. The skill is already a core ability for these engagements.

Tacking on extra damage and a disable in the form of a slow triples the effectiveness of the skill. The Chillwrath Mantle will close the gap with enemies and prevent them from running away while simultaneously preventing attackers from closing the gap.

5 Hailfire - PvE - Shoulders

Diablo Immortal Rain Of Vengeance Hitting A Group Of Enemies
  • Multishot also launches 2 homing rockets, each dealing X damage.

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Many have faulted the Demon Hunter for being too easy to kill. That's true, the class is a lightweight, not designed to take any amount of damage. Taking out mobs before they reach the character isn't just a smart move, it's critical to victory.

Instead of quitting and using a beginner-friendly class, slap on the Hailfire shoulders and kill any approaching groups before they can get within breathing distance.

4 Plate Of Lethal Intent - PvP - Chest

Diablo Immortal Activating The Crossbow Shot Ultimate
  • Knife Trap arming time decreased by 85%.

Traps are in an odd place in PvP. Pro players, when they see a Demon Hunter, are wary of them and not easily fooled into taking the dangerous routes. In active combat, it becomes even more unreasonable to use them, since they take too long to arm.

The Plate of Lethal Intent arms the trap almost instantly, rarely giving pursuers time to dodge the zone they are placed. While Activision-Blizzard is fixing up the errors in the game, PvP Demon Hunters will be hoping they decide not to nerf this item.

3 Cuirass Of The Death Watch - PvE - Chest

Diablo Immortal Attacking With The Crossbow Shot Ultimate
  • Strafe damage increased by 10%.

The tradition of Demon Hunters using Strafe lives on in Diablo Immortal. When the battlefield is covered, players don't need abilities that face s a specific direction, they need skills that target every enemy in every direction. Strafe is the answer, helping players level up quickly.

Anything that replaces a primary attack needs to be very valuable, so the Cuirass of the Death Watch is here to help. A 10% lift may not sound like a world-ending boost, but it sure feels like one against the lesser minions of hell.

2 Jayn's Silent Retribution - PvP - Legs

Diablo Immortal Getting The Final Blow With Strafe
  • All your attacks will be Critical Hits for a few seconds after Smoke Screen's concealment ends.

Smoke Screen, turning the Demon Hunter and all its allies invisible for a bit, has obvious PvP implications. With a well-coordinated team, the group can disappear, run behind enemy lines, and get some attacks on the weaker opponents before the frontline can adjust.

To get the Demon Hunter to the top of the class tier rankings, Jayn's Silent Retribution will play a large role, giving the Demon Hunter nothing but critical strikes after the invisibility ends. This will often kill enemy characters before their teammates can react.

1 Coff's Unrelenting Fury - PvE - Legs

Diablo Immortal Getting The First Worldstone With The Demon Hunter
  • During Vengeance, every 2 Primary attacks will cause you to launch 1 additional rocket that deals X damage to a nearby target.

Vengeance, with its passive movement bonus, is a skill that players will try to jam into their crowded skill lineup. The tough part is the active ability has a long cooldown. The damage is intriguing, especially when stacked with an ultimate ability, but often has too much downtime to be considered.

Instead of touching the difficulty dial, Coff's Unrelenting Fury will give Vengeance an additional perk, one that adds area damage to the attacks during the timeframe. Against mobs or bosses, the extra damage is punishing.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, and More