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Welcome to Diablo Immortal, now here's an overwhelming tide of demons and other players to compete with. If it feels like a legitimate descent into hell, that's just part of the game. But if it feels hellish because the game is so tough, that's just an unintended consequence of a challenging experience.

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Don't be disheartened. Diablo Immortal is not a match-three game. This is not an idle clicker. This is an adventure game that is made to test the limits of the player's abilities. For some classes, the challenge outweighs the reward. Thankfully, one class shines in terms of ease of use.

What Makes The Necromancer So Beginner-Friendly

Diablo Immortal Attacking Three Units At Once With The Necromancer

The Necromancer is, by far, the easiest to grasp and play with. It can be argued that much of the game doesn't require the Necromancer doesn't have to do anything, only be around the danger. This is thanks to summoning abilities that attack without any input from the user.

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While other classes will need to tank and attack in equal proportions, a Necromancer's summons can do both for them, giving the player the freedom to dodge abilities as they see fit. Every new player should know that this is a tremendous advantage over the other, more complicated classes.

Skills, Gems, And Gear

Diablo Immortal Inventory Screen For The Necromancer

The friendliness toward new players doesn't end with the summoned units. The rest of the build is very easy to grasp as well. Aside from skills that summon units, the gear and gems should all work in harmony, adding to raw damage and enhancing the skills the player decides to use.

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Players of the game make mistakes in terms of their gems, but it's hard for the Necromancer to go wrong with any of them. As a caster, the class will benefit from all spell-boosting gems. But the summoned units will enjoy armor reduction and attack gems. There is very little that a Necromancer can't use.

Growing With The Necromancer

Diablo Immortal Commanding A Legion With The Necromancer

Many new players may get excited to hear about how friendly the Necromancer is but get nervous that it won't age well once they are new players no longer. Put all of those fears aside. In high-level rifting, especially with friends, the Necromancer can shift into a pure DPS caster without their minions to back them up.

The Necromancer has a high-skill ceiling to go with that high ground floor. For those less interested in idealism and endgame content, there are many fun abilities the Necromancer has that others lack. The class back be a melee DPS unit, a controller/disabler, or a variation of a tank. With so much to experiment with, the Necromancer makes veterans as happy as the amateurs when using them.

Diablo Immortal is available now for mobile and PC.

MORE: Complete Guide To Diablo Immortal: Tips, Tricks, Builds, And More