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Diablo Immortal's Ancient Nightmare event tasks players with dispatching a world boss, and it is active every Wednesday and Friday at 12pm, 8:30pm, and 10pm server time. While the Ancient Nightmare is not particularly difficult to dispatch in a group, its mechanics may seem a bit convoluted upon first glance. This guide is here to resolve any confusion that might be surrounding the Ancient Nightmare event in Diablo Immortal and help players bring down the relevant boss.

Diablo Immortal: Ancient Nightmare Guide

Upon arriving in Mount Zavain at one of the aforementioned times, players should see that the Ancient Nightmare has arrived, and they can use Diablo Immortal's auto navigation feature to reach it. Notably, fans that are in the zone when the Ancient Nightmare appear should receive a notification, and clicking on "OK" will automatically put a character in motion toward the boss. Players can also simply look for the Ancient Nightmare in the Misty Valley if they are having any issues finding it with auto navigation.

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After locating the Ancient Nightmare, Diablo Immortal players must follow the boss, waiting for it to pass by one of the Altars that is in the area. When that occurs, fans should interact with the Altar and feed a Zakarum Sigil into it. This action will cause a dome of light to emanate from the Altar, which will temporarily remove the Ancient Nightmare's shield and allow players to deal some damage to the boss.

diablo immortal ancient nightmare mount zavain

As a brief aside, Zakarum Sigils are obtained from Lord Martanos, another boss in Diablo Immortal that appears in Mount Zavain. More specifically, players can spawn Martanos at the Martanos Altar that is in the crypt at the northwest corner of the Zakarum Graveyard, and it is possible to fight him every 30 minutes. While it is certainly not requisite that a player have enough Sigils to cover the entirety of the Ancient Nightmare event by themselves, it may be worthwhile to have a couple in hand before engaging the boss.

Fans should now simply repeat the process of removing the Ancient Nightmare's shield and damaging it until the enemy has been slain. On a first kill, players should receive the Nilfur's Precision Vessel, which can be taken to Iben Fahd’s Sanctum to give a Diablo Immortal character bonus armor penetration. Fans should also gain access to a chest with loot on subsequent kills, giving them some incentive to return to Mount Zavain and participate in the event again.

Diablo Immortal is available on Mobile and PC.

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