
  • Diablo 4 joining Xbox Game Pass could give the struggling title a much-needed boost on March 28.
  • New Game Pass players will enjoy the base game, but Blizzard needs something big to retain them.
  • Season 4 and the Vessel of Hatred expansion are crucial for Diablo 4's long-term success on Game Pass.

Xbox Game Pass subscribers will finally see the fruits of Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard later this month when Diablo 4 hits the service. Despite having a strong initial release, Diablo 4 has been struggling to maintain an audience after a series of underwhelming seasons, so its addition to Xbox Game Pass could breathe new life into a title that definitely needs it. However, it may be difficult for the game to retain a Game Pass audience, which could spell trouble for Diablo 4 on the road ahead, meaning it needs to impress newcomers when it arrives on Game Pass on March 28.

A live-service game like Diablo 4 lives or dies by its seasonal content, since players need a reason to keep revisiting the game after completing the main story campaign. While many praised Diablo 4's campaign, its endgame and seasonal content have been lacking, making it hard to give players a reason to return to the game after an initial playthrough. The new crop of players who will be experiencing Diablo 4 for the first time when it comes to Xbox Game Pass will get to experience its solid base game, but Blizzard is going to need something big to entice these new players to stick around for the long haul.

The Pros and Cons of Diablo 4 Coming to Xbox Game Pass

While Game Pass subscribers might be excited for Diablo 4 to join the service in March, there are some downsides that could potentially come with it.

Xbox Game Pass Might Be Diablo 4's Last Chance to Make a Good First Impression

Xbox Game Pass is a great service for giving games a second chance at seeing success since its subscribers make up a potentially new audience that wouldn't have otherwise checked out a game if it wasn't available as part of a subscription. This puts Diablo 4 in a great position to see a new influx of players who will get to experience the game for the first time through Game Pass. However, the nature of Game Pass means it can be hard for a game to keep players' attention for an extended time, a problem Diablo 4 has already dealt with since its launch.

The addition of Diablo 4 to Game Pass might be intentionally timed to coincide with the upcoming Season 4, which is now scheduled to begin on May 14, giving new players time to complete the campaign before diving into the new season. Diablo 4 Season 3 has had its fair share of hiccups, from an underwhelming seasonal gimmick to a delayed release of the new Gauntlet mode, which has been overrun with cheaters since its launch. Season 4 has the chance to turn things around and make a good impression on newcomers to the game, which it appears set to do with major changes to Diablo 4's itemization.

Vessel of Hatred Might Not Be Enough to Keep Game Pass Subscribers Engaged with Diablo 4

If Diablo 4 Season 4 isn't enough of a hook to keep Xbox Game Pass subscribers engaged, then the game could face a slippery slope toward decline. The big content update most Diablo 4 players are waiting for is the Vessel of Hatred expansion, set to release later this year. This expansion is set to include a new campaign set in the region of Nahantu along with a sixth playable class, which will likely shake up the game's formula enough to draw players back into the fold.

However, by the time Vessel of Hatred releases, it might be too little too late for Diablo 4 players hopping in from Xbox Game Pass. As exciting as this content will be for hardcore fans, the constant new additions to Game Pass might mean subscribers will have already moved on from Diablo 4 by the time Vessel of Hatred releases. The game will either need a strong Season 4 hook to keep these players invested beyond the main campaign, or it will need to release Vessel of Hatred as soon as possible to give Game Pass subscribers a reason to stick around.