After sitting out Diablo 3, the Druid class has made its grand return to the franchise with Diablo 4. This class lends its powerful nature magic to the fight against Lilith, and it also brings with it a unique shapeshifting mechanic that really sets it apart from the crowd. Almost all the Diablo 4 classes are exciting to play, but the Druid may be its best asset. If players are looking for something unique to play then they may want to give it a shot, and World of Warcraft players may feel right at home.

World of Warcraft not only features its own version of the Druid, but it also features an entire race dedicated to shapeshifting. The Worgen has been a staple of Azeroth for years now, and it seems like Diablo 4 has taken some notes when it comes to its Druid class. While they do not necessarily play the same, they still seem to share a lot of similarities, and it will be interesting to see just how far Blizzard plans to take it.

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Diablo 4's Druids and Warcraft's Worgens Feel the Same

diablo 4 druid with wolves concept

Diablo 4's Druid class comes with a unique ability that lets it shapeshift into multiple different forms. Players can change into either a Werewolf or Werebear depending upon the skills that they use. While they cannot remain in the form forever without the help of specific items, they will stay transformed as long as they are utilizing specific abilities. They will revert to their human form once they use an ability that requires that form, or a couple of seconds after they finish combat. Players are not able to transform on a whim as there is no ability that allows that, and instead, they must use an attack that explicitly says it transforms them.

World of Warcraft introduced the Worgen race back during Cataclysm, and it seems to share a lot of similarities with the Druid. The Worgen is Azeroth's version of the Werewolf, but a bit more civilized. Just like with Diablo 4's Druid, the player will enter their Worgen form the minute they enter combat.

Their attacks are not that different from other races, but it does give it a cool unique aesthetic. Thanks to a recent update, Worgen players can also revert to human form the minute they leave combat using the brand-new Calm the Wolf racial ability. This feature was a welcome change and makes the Druid and Worgen feel almost indistinguishable from each other.

Diablo 4's Druid and World of Warcraft's Worgen seem to work very similarly in combat, but outside of combat, there is one glaring difference. While Diablo 4's Druid is forced to revert to human form, the Worgen does not need to do that. Worgen players are actually able to switch between the two forms whenever they want using the Two Forms racial ability. This ability lets them take on the currently inactive form, and they can also toggle off the Calm the Wolf racial if they never want to change back to human again. Their transmog may look better in the human form, but no one is forcing them to use it.

Diablo 4's Druid shapeshifting is more for combat purposes while World of Warcraft's Worgen is more of an aesthetic choice, but there is overlap. The only way for Druid players to maintain their shape without items like Mad Wolf's Glee is by constantly attacking enemies while Worgens can live their life however they want.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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