One aggrieved player of Blizzard’s Diablo 4 has taken to the internet with a hilariously tongue-in-cheek plea for tolerance toward the game’s fierce and furry werebear Druids. With only days to go before the game’s full release Blizzard recently patch 1.0.2d for Diablo 4, which mainly focused on resolving some lingering class balance issues ahead of the official launch.

Set for full release on June 6, players who pre-ordered the game on PC and consoles have been able to take part in Diablo 4’s early access period for the past several days. Some gamers had been hesitant about this latest entry in Blizzard’s long-running action RPG series given the lukewarm reception to 2012’s Diablo 3, but a series of open betas and Stress Test weekends left many players with a sense that Diablo 4 represents a return to form for the franchise. Despite ditching Diablo 3’s cartoonish and controversial color scheme for the series’ latest outing, Diablo 4 retains many of the quality-of-life improvements that were introduced in the 2012 title.

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In a new post on r/diablo4 titled “An appeal from the Bear Druid community,” Redditor ProtoformX87 pleaded for their fellow Diablo 4 players to refrain from instantly attacking every bear that appears on their screen. The tongue-in-cheek post offers some understanding of the fact that attacking Diablo 4’s Druids in their werebear form is an understandable response, conceding that “Yes. We look like a massive scary bear.” ProtoformX87 states that the majority of their random encounters with other Diablo 4 players have consisted of being attacked on sight with arrows or magical attacks, adding that “You can’t hurt us physically. But you do hurt our feelings.”

Many Redditors responding to the hilariously heartfelt plea offered at least some sympathy for the plight of the game’s oft-attacked werebears. Showing that Diablo 4’s hulking Druids weren’t the only class to be unfairly targeted by trigger-happy players, several responses shared stories about inadvertently attacking the skeletons of their Necromancer allies. Another post quipped that the hilarious plea may not have come from a Druid at all, suspiciously stating “That’s just what a real bear would say.” Other users offered sympathy for ProtoformX87’s plight but weren’t in a rush to change their click-happy ways, with one Redditor joking that they’re “hurling frozen orbs at everything that moves that isn’t me, and sometimes at me because I move.”

ProtoformX87’s hilarious plea for werebear tolerance seems to have given their fellow players a good laugh, even if it’s unlikely to stop them from attacking the next bear they see. And while running across a massive bear in Sanctuary is undoubtedly startling, at least it's not as scary as some of the prices in Diablo 4’s shop.

Diablo 4 is available now in early access with its full launch coming June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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