Fan reports are surfacing in online forums that discuss how Diablo 4 has been excessively utilizing the VRAM of graphics cards, leading to performance issues while playing through the action RPG. With many Diablo 4 players having purchased their copy of the game for the PC, this is an annoying issue that will likely put a damper on their gaming experience.

Given that Diablo 4 has just released, it is not surprising for players to encounter a variety of bugs and issues. Though most of these have already been resolved by the updates that the game's development team has been implementing, there are still some that remain which will likely be addressed by a bigger patch in the future. However, now that more players are experiencing hardware issues that impact playability, Blizzard may have to put its focus on quickly finding a fix for those affected by this specific problem.

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On Reddit, user thefirstlunatic opened a discussion about how Diablo 4 has been quickly filling up the VRAM of their graphics card, even though they are not using the highest graphics quality to play the game. Using a 2070 SUPER graphics card, they shared the optimized visual settings they used in order to hopefully get a better performance. However, all their tweaking of options were to no avail as Diablo 4 seemed to still be filling up their VRAM from 3GB to 7.99 VRAM in just 40–60 minutes. According to the Redditor, when this happens, their game "starts acting up" and they have to restart the title to play again.

The Reddit thread is full of replies echoing thefirstlunatic's experience, and some fans with more powerful graphics cards are also experiencing the same problem. One pointed out that this was already a known problem in Diablo 4, and others talked about where the trouble stems from, which is from a memory leak or memory management problem in the game. Some also tried to offer solutions like reloading the graphics card once the VRAM starts getting full again or going into game documentation to disable certain effects. However, there is no guarantee that doing these things will resolve the problem at all.

Now that most of Diablo 4's player base is reaching endgame, the more difficult content such as world bosses and Nightmare Dungeons are the main meat of their playthrough. And having this kind of complication with game performance will definitely be a problem for the players in the long run. Hopefully a fix will come sooner rather than later.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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