There is a lot to do in Diablo 4 with content scattered all throughout the map of Sanctuary for players to discover over the course of their journey. Along with the main quest line for Diablo 4 is near endless amounts of side content that players can choose how much they want to engage with and when thanks to the game's open world design. While it might seem like this optional side content is just for those who need extra help leveling their character or used to introduce additional tidbits of lore, one specific reward earned from optional tasks is essential for build optimization.

Players typically engage in optional content in Diablo 4 like side quests, strongholds, and world events for the experience and potential for rare items that they yield as rewards. These are great reasons for tackling these side tasks, but players who aren't as interested in some of the more mundane optional content like searching for Altars of Lilith might want to rethink their approach due to the understated importance renown plays in Diablo 4. Although not as obviously helpful as some of Diablo 4's rewards, gathering renown and increasing a player's reputation is vital to unlocking key gameplay features.

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Diablo 4 Players Would Be Wise to Complete Optional Activities for Renown

renown rewards screen

The renown system in Diablo 4 acts as a way to reward players for exploring the world of Sanctuary beyond the main quest by building their reputation within each of the game's five regions. While this system isn't necessarily at the forefront of every player's mind as they slay their way through hordes of demons, their reputation in each region plays a bigger role than one might think. The payouts for increasing a player's reputation might not come as often as other elements in Diablo 4's gameplay loop, but players shouldn't discount these rewards altogether.

It's fairly easy to earn a little renown here and there by accomplishing basic tasks like finding a new waypoint or completing a side quest, and most players will likely earn some renown without even thinking about it. Other tasks that grant renown include things like clearing dungeons and strongholds, as well as finding Altars of Lilith hidden around the map. While the renown earned for each individual task might not seem like much at first, it starts to add up quickly if players are dedicated to completing a large amount of the side content Diablo 4 offers.

Players definitely shouldn't skip over the majority of this optional content since the rewards for increasing their reputation are well worth the time and effort. These rewards range from things like additional skill and experience points necessary for leveling up builds, to additional health potion charges and even Paragon points needed for Diablo 4's endgame at higher reputation tiers. Most of these rewards will greatly improve a player's survivability in Diablo 4, but rewards like increased health potion charges can only be acquired from this system and can end up making a huge difference as the game's challenge continues to increase.

Unlike health potion charges, skill points and Paragon points can be earned through alternative methods, but making the most of a build means squeezing every skill and Paragon point possible out of the game. While optional content is optional for a reason, it doesn't mean that players should miss out on its rewards simply because it's not required for finishing the game. The rewards for gaining renown and increasing one's reputation are invaluable parts of creating the best build possible in Diablo 4, and players should ensure that they complete as many optional activities as possible to reap the benefits of each tier of reputation.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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