Diablo 4 is the highly anticipated sequel to an arguably lackluster entry in Diablo 3. Every few months fans get an update on the game in the form of developer blogs, and it's within these blogs that fans learn more about the systems in place and directions the game is headed. Through feedback provided by fans, the team working on Diablo 4 can help shape a game that aligns with their vision and the ideal game that fans want to play. When Diablo 4 does come out, there is likely going to be balance issues, as with any game that incorporates a competitive aspect, and as such it will be up to the developer to keep classes close in power.

During Blizzconline 2021, Blizzard revealed the Rogue as the fourth of five classes, showcasing some gameplay and behind-the-scenes commentary. The Rogue is the class to fill the Dexterity role, much like the Barbarian and Druid fill out the Strength role and the Sorceress fills out the Intelligence role. As such, the developer looked back at the original Rogue from Diablo 1 for inspiration when designing the class, meaning they share aspects with many of the Dexterity classes of Diablo's past. Classes such as the Demon Hunter, Assassin, Amazon, and the original Rogue all played a part in the final design of the Rogue in Diablo 4.

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History of the Rogue

Diablo 4 Rogue vs Original

In the original Diablo, there were three classes: the Warrior, Sorcerer, and Rogue, each representing one of the three fundamental stats that define each character and their growth. The original Diablo took place in the town of Tristram, where a demonic presence lurked beneath the Church in a 16-floor dungeon that players had to delve into. Canonically, it is the Warrior who defeats Diablo and becomes its vessel; whereas the Rogue, upon the defeat of Diablo, heads back to rejoin her Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. The Rogue eventually becomes corrupted by Andariel, and in Diablo 2 players can find the Rogue now known as Blood Raven.

Each of the classes in Diablo 1 have their own unique class skill, such as the Warrior's ability to repair equipment, the Rogue has the ability to disarm traps on chests and doors. This goes to show her knowledge of traps in the same vein as her successor class, the Assassin. The Rogue is also quite adept as a ranged fighter, able to wield a bow with ease and maintain distance from enemies who would otherwise swarm her. Despite her ranged expertise, the Rogue can also excel in close combat utilizing daggers and other melee weapons like the Warrior, which would explain how similar she is to the Barbarian in Diablo 4.

The Rogue Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, a guild shrouded in mystery that is highly skilled in archery and a skill known as the Inner Sight. This Inner Sight gives the sisters the ability to maneuver around traps and gain an upper hand in combat, lending to some of the Rogue's capabilities in Diablo 4. The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye is the main faction in Act 1 of Diablo 2, where the player starts out. Andariel has corrupted both the Rogue from Diablo 1 and many of the group's members leading all the way up to the monastery where the guild formerly resided. It is up to the player to possibly defeat Diablo 1's Rogue and take back the monastery from Andariel with support from the Sisterhood.

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Rogue's Capabilities in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Rogue Art

Fans have gotten a sneak peek at the Rogue's capabilities in Diablo 4 through a 10-minute gameplay video that showcases some of her abilities, many that look familiar to Dexterity classes of the past. Within the Rogue's kit are three different specializations that relate to factions such as the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, the mercenaries of Kehjistan, and the smugglers of Hawezar. Diablo 4 will feature class-specific quests and it is with these class quests that the Rogue can unlock the potentials of each of these specializations. On top of this, just like the Barbarian and his Arsenal mechanic, the Rogue will automatically switch weapons if a skill that requires a different weapon is used.

The Rogue will be able to build Combo Points with each attack, utilizing a skill that expands and enhances them based on the number of Combo Points built up. The Rogue in Diablo 4 is also capable of exploiting the weakness of her foes, with guaranteed critical strikes for a time. The last specialization is the Shadow Realm, an ability that allows the Rogue to become immune for a moment, pulling enemies into the Shadow Realm where she is stealthy and unstoppable, dealing increased damage. How these skills and specialties will change when Diablo 4 comes out is anyone's guess, but it's clear where the Rogue's skills get inspiration from.

As the defacto Dexterity class, the Rogue has many abilities that share similarities with classes of the past. Much like the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3, the Rogue can throw caltrops over an area, damaging enemies who walk across them. The Rogue can also volley arrows from the sky or from her mount, and even make shadow copies of herself that each shoot arrows, making for a wide area of effect. On top of her ranged abilities, Diablo 4's Rogue can imbue her weapons with different elements, chilling, poisoning, or cursing her foes for added effect. Much like the Assassin, the Rogue is capable of dual-wielding weapons and utilizing her mobility to gain an edge on the battlefield.

With the Rogue featured as a sort of smorgasbord of playstyles, her capabilities in dealing with both PvE and PvP enemies remains to be seen, but so far seems very viable. The Rogue in Diablo 4 will be a tricky class to go up against due to her mobility and fast offenses, as well as what has yet to be seen in terms of her shadow capabilities. The ability to disappear from the battlefield and reassess or strike an opponent could be the deciding factor for victory, and the Rogue has shown a lot of promise thus far. Until more abilities from the other classes are revealed, including Diablo 4's final class, it is hard to say how the Rogue will affect the meta, but her fast-paced gameplay may open a high skill cap for players.

Diablo 4 is in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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