An unfortunate streamer dies during his Hardcore run in Diablo 4 due to a poorly timed action. This is the second time the streamer has lost a Hardcore character in Diablo 4 under ill-fated circumstances.

In Diablo 4, there are two modes that players can engage in: normal mode and Hardcore Mode. If the player’s character is killed in normal mode, they will respawn right away, and the player can continue their quest. Hardcore Mode in Diablo 4 means if the player dies, their character is gone forever. It doesn’t matter if the player spent 20 hours with the character or 150 hours; in Hardcore Mode, every death counts.

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Due to the gravity of playing in Hardcore Mode, most players will be as careful as humanly possible while traversing the mortal realm. Streamer Quin69 learned this lesson the hard way while opening up the menu and forgetting that the game doesn’t pause when the settings menu is open. In the video, the streamer can be seen talking to his audience and promising to turn the volume down. As he’s fiddling around with the settings in the Diablo 4 menu, his character is attacked by a group of polar bears and demons. Once he exits the menu, his Druid is instantly killed, leaving the “You Have Died” message on the screen and a look of complete shock on Quin69’s face.

Unfortunately for Quin69, this is not the first time a character of his has died during a Hardcore run. The streamer went viral when he lost a character in Hardcore Mode due to a glitch while fast traveling to the town of Kyoavashad. The official cause of death was “slain by environment,” but the 172-hour character really died in a loading screen.

Thankfully, for the fans of the game, Blizzard has confirmed a fix that will protect Hardcore players from disconnected deaths in Diablo 4. This fix will force players to use a scroll of escape if the game disconnects them randomly. It's not a perfect fix, considering that players will need to have a scroll of escape in their inventory in order for this fix to work, but it's better than losing a 150+ hour Hardcore character due to a glitch that the player can do nothing about. In the meantime, the lesson to learn from Quin69's mistake is to never open the map outside the safety of being inside a town.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Diablo 4: Hardcore Mode Survival Tips