A Diablo 4 fan recently shared their idea for a genius quality of life feature that would allow players to zoom in or out of the minimap. This particular feature comes standard in many games, but is currently not in Diablo 4.

The first month of Diablo 4’s lifespan has been largely a success, minus a few glitches and outages due to DDoS attacks on Blizzard servers. That said, players have begun to notice a fair share of common quality of life features absent from Diablo 4.

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Redditor and Diablo 4 fan Jesteroth pointed out one such feature. In a short video, they shared a simple mockup of a zoom function for the mini-map in Diablo 4. Using this feature, players could use the plus or minus keys to increase or decrease the field of vision on the mini-map, giving them a wider range of view.

The map in Diablo 4 has been a point of contention since its open beta weekends. Diablo 4 does not have an overlay map–a staple feature in many ARPGs, including some of its own predecessors. Many other Blizzard games, including World of Warcraft and Diablo 3, also feature minimaps that can be zoomed in and out. Despite this, Diablo 4 has neither function.

Needless to say, many players agree with Jesteroth’s desire to have this feature in the game. While the larger world map in Diablo 4 is great, many players are frustrated by having to open it constantly to navigate the world. These players believe this function wouldn't be too hard to implement and are upset that Blizzard launched Diablo 4 without such seemingly simple quality of life features.

That said, other players brought up that the zooming minimap feature might actually be harder to implement than some might believe. Unlike its predecessors, Diablo 4 was not designed primarily as a PC game–it was simultaneously released on multiple consoles, while Diablo 3 was a PC exclusive for over a year. Because of this, implementing a zoom function with console players in mind is slightly more complicated.

Either way, Diablo 4 fans could theoretically see this function added in the future. Blizzard has already announced several quality of life features for its first few seasons of Diablo 4, so it is reasonable to imagine UI improvements could be added later on as well. In the meantime, players should be sure Diablo 4 knows what upgrades they would love to see down the road.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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