After three betas and an early release window for Deluxe and Ultimate edition adopters, Diablo 4 has now officially released for console and PC players. Already the game is garnering significant praise regarding how it moves the Diablo franchise forward into two giant leaps for the long-running ARPG series. Not only is this the first open-world Diablo title, but Diablo 4 is also the series' first foray into live-service territory. While players will have plenty to keep them busy in the base game over the next several weeks, Blizzard has already outlined its plans for the game's live-service future and content updates.

Given the mixed reception surrounding Diablo Immortal and its monetization, Blizzard has been calculated and transparent regarding how it is approaching Diablo 4's live-service model. Weeks before the game's release Blizzard laid out detailed plans regarding Diablo 4's Battle Pass and seasonal model, as well as what kinds of content players could expect from future expansions and regular content drops. With the first season and Battle Pass set to launch in mid-to-late July according to the developer, Diablo 4 will see its first new content arrive just a few short weeks after launch and be put through its paces as a live-service title.

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What's Next for Diablo 4 Post-Launch

Diablo 4 First Season Battle Pass Cosmetics Progression

As-is to be expected, Diablo 4 will follow a seasonal model very similar to Diablo 3, with Blizzard planning to debut new seasons quarterly. The first season will launch in July along with the first Battle Pass for the game, which will feature 90 tiers of rewards. While there is a free option for the Battle Pass, the most desirable cosmetics and seasonal currency rewards will be gated behind a paywall like most live-service games. In addition to the new live-service model for Diablo 4, the team has revealed that it has two full-fledged expansions in the works for the title.

Even though Blizzard has acknowledged that expansions to Diablo 4 are currently in development, it is likely that players will not see them for some time as the game finds its footing as a live-service title. Diablo 4 has already proven successful for Blizzard as the fastest-selling title in the storied developer's history, and it's not far-fetched to assume that the same success will carry over to the title's live-service model. Between both regular seasons and access to Battle Passes, Blizzard will be supporting Diablo 4 for the foreseeable future.

In terms of the content that players can expect, each season is reported to feature a new slate of cosmetics to unlock as well as seasonal bonuses that can be unlocked with the Smoldering Ashes currency. Additionally, each new season will feature opportunities for players to engage in Nightmare and Capstone Dungeons with others as they continue to work toward reaching level cap with their characters and move up the game's World Tiers. Blizzard has been sure to work hard on making all of Diablo 4's paid content be restricted to cosmetics and not the "pay-to-win" type of transactions that leave players with a negative perception of live-service games.

In addition to the regular content drops, quarterly seasons and Battle Passes, and upcoming expansions, players can also anticipate Blizzard to continue to patch and re-balance Diablo 4 as more and more players complete the campaign and begin to enter endgame activities. Already the developer has pushed out several patches that either buffed or nerfed aspects of various classes, with more patches sure to come down the pipeline as a means toward making an evenly balanced experience for all players regardless of class choice. Even though fans are still in the early days of Diablo 4's launch, it's clear that Blizzard will be providing support and new content for the title as one of its flagship games for years to come.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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