Diablo 4 remains true to its genre with dungeons that are overflowing with loot, thus one player has concocted a solution on how to make gathering and selling items far less of a hassle. As Barbarians, Sorcerers, and other Diablo 4 classes massacre their way through a Nightmare Dungeon, filling up their inventories with rows upon rows of loot, it doesn't take long until a Town Portal interrupts their killing spree. They walk across the Region capital, carefully sell off their junk, and return to the dungeon, only to have to do the same routine merely minutes later.

With Diablo 4 missing many quality-of-life features present in its predecessors, players frequently find themselves navigating around its lack of convenience to bring themselves back into the exciting gameplay that made them fall in love with the game in the first place. There are no treasure goblins or gold-collecting pets in Diablo 4 to help players with mountains of loot, and unlike the optimized layouts in Diablo 3's Adventure Mode, the capitals in Diablo 4 are a lot more decentralized.

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A rather inspired solution to this problem came from WarpathWilly, who shared it with the Diablo 4 community on Reddit to a glowing reception. Namely, it takes the concept of the Scavenger from Solasta: Crown of the Magister, and applies it wholesale to Diablo 4. Solasta is a 5th Edition CRPG in Early Access that's been getting plenty of buzz from indie gamers, and the source of its praise has largely been due to the creative ways it solves the inconvenient aspects of adventuring. The Scavenger is an NPC that allows players to buy back any loot left behind in a dungeon, and then lets them sell the rest with a single click of a button.

It's an elegant solution that would undoubtedly work wonders for Diablo 4's current endgame loop. No longer being interrupted during a Nightmare Dungeon to de-clutter their inventory is something that many Diablo 4 players would gladly welcome, and the Salvager would also solve the problem players have when they only want to keep one or two items per run. This mentally separates the combat phase of Diablo 4 from the loot comparison phase, and at least on paper, offers a far more engaging gameplay experience.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen what Blizzard Entertainment will choose to do with Diablo 4's seasonal content. The community hasn't been shy in providing the developers with ample feedback, and in this vast sea of suggestions, adding a Salvager to Diablo 4 is certainly worth considering.

Diablo 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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