A Diablo 4 player shared a demo of their in-development group-finder tool that can be used for Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides. To many Diablo 4 players' frustration, there is no in-game feature for putting together groups. Players can use chat, clans, and their friends lists to form groups, but there's no automated system. It appears some Diablo 4 players are growing impatient waiting for Blizzard to consider adding one itself, and are taking matters into their own hands.

Diablo 4 can be played both solo and cooperatively as a group of four. Nearly all the content in the game can be completed solo, though there are some multiplayer-only features. For example, Diablo 4 world bosses and Legion events will spawn multiple players into a session. Technically, that content could still be soloed, but it would require the player to be at a significantly higher power level than the content. There's also PvP, of course, which requires other players to participate. Otherwise, players are never pushed into multiplayer, despite Diablo 4 being an always-online game.

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Many Diablo 4 players want the ARPG to be much more of a multiplayer game, however. They want to be placed in groups with other players, to see how their character synergizes with others, and to take on challenging content that requires groups to work together. That's why Reddit user WeakDream is working on the Group Finding Tool application, which they demoed in a recent post.

The Group Finding Tool allows users to log in with their Discord account, select their class, level, and build, and then the kind of content they want to play. It will then match them up with three other Diablo 4 players using the Group Finding Tool, who can then be invited to a party in-game. Obviously, since it's not an official Diablo 4 feature, the application will run separately from the game.

Response to the prototype Group Finding Tool on Reddit was resoundingly positive. There were some requests for changes, like adding an option for Hardcore/Softcore modes, and removing the option to list a player's build. Otherwise, most players were very interested in a way to group up for Diablo 4 content including Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides.

The Group Finding Tool is still in development, so it's not available to try. The demo is certainly intriguing, however. Even if the Group Finding Tool is never released, it will hopefully prompt a deeper discussion at Blizzard regarding an automated group-finding feature in-game. Many players would love to be able to casually form a group for a Nightmare Dungeon, if only to spice up some of Diablo 4's endgame grind.

Diablo 4 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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