Some Diablo 4 players are calling for a change to the waypoint at Nevesk. The process of unlocking the waypoint from this town in the Diablo 4 beta caused some confusion and frustration that could be avoided with a small adjustment in the full release.

Nevesk is the first town players will visit in Diablo 4. After being caught in a blizzard during the first Diablo 4 in-game cutscene, characters will stumble their way into the frozen town before being thrust into a plot much bigger than they could have imagined.

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Like many hubs in Diablo 4, Nevesk has a waypoint that can be used to quickly travel across the world. However, the Nevesk waypoint is frozen during the first trip there; players cannot attune to the waypoint until after they complete the campaign prologue, arrive at Kyovashad, and unlock Diablo 4's open world. This means players must backtrack to the town to grab the waypoint–a fact that Reddit user BAR0N_AL0HA pointed out was rather irritating.

Some players believe Diablo 4 should allow them to unlock the waypoint during the prologue, while others believe it should be unlocked automatically once they reach Kyovashad. This would allow them to quickly return to the first town right away, without having to waste time backtracking, preventing annoyance in the process. Many fans thought they had somehow missed the waypoint on their first visit, and agreed that these solutions would avoid further confusion.

Other players pointed out that the area leading to Kyovashad changes a lot after the prologue. Diablo 4 players can discover Altars of Lilith, sidequests, events, and even dungeons around the area that weren’t there before. Many paths and passages to other Diablo 4 areas are blocked off by ice and stone during the prologue, preventing them from wandering off the beaten path until they learn the ropes. These players believe backtracking to Nevesk is an intentional design choice allowing players to discover these features. Additionally, Nevesk and Kyovashad are not far from one another–players who run straight through the wilderness can reach the town in a minute or less, especially with mobility skills.

Either way, with Diablo 4’s release right around the corner, players probably shouldn’t expect this change to happen for launch, especially considering it might cause new players to miss out on some exciting features of the game. It is possible Blizzard could change this sometime after release–or that the Nevesk waypoint will unlock automatically for characters who skip the Diablo 4 campaign after beating it once–but for the time being, disgruntled players should prepare to make this backtracking journey at least one more time.

Diablo 4 will be available June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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