Necromancer players in Diablo 4's ongoing open beta aren't happy with the design of the class' summoned skeletons, saying it doesn't fit the new game's aesthetic. Diablo 3 was harshly criticized for its stylistic redirection for the Diablo franchise, and Blizzard committed to returning to the aesthetic of Diablo and Diablo 2 for Diablo 4. While Diablo fans have lauded Blizzard for its changes based on what's been shown up to this point, some may not work as well as others.

The Necromancer is one of the Diablo franchise's most popular classes, first introduced in Diablo 2. Best known for its ability to raise a small army of skeleton warriors and mages, Necromancers are also able to cast bone, blood, poison, and curse magic. The skeletons, and to a lesser extent golems, are the Necromancer's bread and butter, though. Diablo 2's skeletons could spawn with a variety of weapons, armor, or even spell-types. Diablo 3's, however, had plainer appearances with silver armor and a ghostly blue glow.

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For all appearances, Diablo 4's Necromancer appears to have pulled their skeletons directly from Diablo 3 or Diablo Immortal. While skeleton warriors' armor isn't so glossy, they're still very simple white skeletons with a bright blue glow from their chest. Diablo 4 open beta players have noticed this, and aren't happy. A popular post on the Diablo 4 subreddit states that the Necromancer's skeleton summons "don't fit the aesthetic of the game."

More specifically, the post says that the skeletons look like they're taken "straight out of Diablo 3," and that they're killing the player's immersion. They say it's especially disappointing when they see a "half dozen other Necros running around town with their army of blue glowing minions lighting up the screen." Following up their criticism, the Diablo 4 beta player asks Blizzard to reconsider the skeletons' design, perhaps shifting to minions that better fit Diablo 4's darker and grittier aesthetic.

The Reddit poster, as well as many of the Reddit thread's comments, do acknowledge why Blizzard likely chose the skeleton designs in Diablo 4. The blue glow and bright white bone help the skeletons stand out from enemies. But many Diablo 4 players say they'd rather the skeletons not stand out, if it meant more aesthetically-fitting skeleton designs.

It's potentially much too late for Blizzard to make such a large change to Diablo 4. The full game launches in just over two months, after all. But the criticism of Diablo 4's skeletons do cut to a potentially larger problem with the game. As dramatic as some changes are from Diablo 3 to Diablo 4, much has also been retained. Diablo 4's combat especially carries over a lot of animation and art from Diablo 3. However, early Necromancer concept art for Diablo 4 did show dramatically different skeleton designs, with blood-drenched mages. Perhaps there are other designs Blizzard could use.

Diablo 4 releases June 6 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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