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Gear plays a critical role in Diablo 4, and players will loot countless armor pieces, weapons, and accessories during their time with the game. As many fans are sure to expect, the stat values on these items are randomized, and obtaining gear pieces with high rolls is important to maximizing the power level of a character. That said, it is not immediately obvious when an item in Diablo 4 has good rolls, as very useful setting is turned off by default.

That setting is Advanced Tooltip Information, and players can find it under the Gameplaytab within the Options menu. As the in-game description states, this setting adds "item property ranges" to tooltips when activated, and those ranges allow fans to see how good the rolls on a Diablo 4 item are.

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To concretize this idea with an example, Diablo 4 players can imagine a weapon that has a +15.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies stat. Once Advanced Tooltip Information has been turned on, there will be a bracketed value range next to the stat, which indicates the minimum and maximum values with which the weapon could have rolled. For the sake of this example, that value range is 12.0 - 19.0%, which confirms that this particular weapon has a very middling Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies stat roll.

Additionally, Advanced Tooltip Information allows players to see exactly how good the Aspects on the Legendaries that they loot are. Indeed, the values of the effects attached to Diablo 4's Legendary Aspects also have ranges, and fans should make sure to use the Occultist to extract any perfect rolls that they receive. Notably, Aspects that are inscribed by way of the Codex of Power always have the minimum value, which means that players can find better versions in the wild.

While players are turning on Advanced Tooltip Information, it is recommended that they also activate Advanced Tooltip Compare under the same tab. As its name suggests, this setting expands the amount of information that is displayed when comparing items, allowing fans to quickly see exactly what Diablo 4 stats will be lost by making a swap. This is not quite as useful as Advanced Tooltip Information, though it is a nice quality-of-life adjustment nonetheless.

While Advanced Tooltip Information and Advanced Tooltip Compare are perhaps the only settings that all players are advised to adjust, fans should certainly feel free to explore the other tabs within the Options menu. Indeed, there are many opportunities for customization, and players that spend just a bit of time browsing may find something that improves the Diablo 4 experience for them.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.