Diablo 4's Loot Reborn season promises to completely overhaul the game's itemization mechanics to make finding gear more meaningful to build optimization. As a part of the changes coming in Diablo 4 Season 4, Helltides have also been reworked to make traversing the overworld of Sanctuary worth players' while. These Helltide changes ultimately spawned from positive feedback the Diablo 4 development team received from previous seasons' events, which factored into their decision to make this permanent change to the game's Helltides.

In an interview with Game ZXC, Diablo 4 lead live class designer Adam Jackson explained how player feedback from past seasons played a crucial role in the design choices for this improved version of Helltides. Players will be happy to know that this new event is not limited to Season 4, but will be a change made to Diablo 4's Eternal Realm as well, solidifying this update as a completely refreshed version of the game for players to check out.

Diablo 4's Barren Open World Has One Clear Culprit to Blame

The sometimes sparsely populated reaches of Diablo 4’s sizable open world may illustrate the trade-offs of adding one popular feature to the game.

Diablo 4 Season 4's Helltide Rework Resulted from Season 2 Feedback

Prior to Season 4, Helltides were a way for Diablo 4 players on World Tier 3 and above to face hordes of demons in specific parts of Diablo 4's map for the chance to earn rare loot. Diablo 4 Season 2 built upon this concept with the inclusion of the Blood Harvest, a similar overworld event that added the ability to collect materials that players could use to summon mini-bosses for them and their party to take down. The developers took the lessons learned from that season's popularity and translated them into this updated Helltide, which Jackson explains:

"We saw a lot of the things players really enjoyed, like having a communal moment to summon something. They really enjoyed the monster density being really high. They really enjoyed having some objectives and just walking around the world and having constant things to do that are popping up and are really cool and awesome. The combination of these things all made for a really great overworld experience."

The new version of Helltides coming in Season 4 makes obvious reference to this positive feedback, with a higher overall monster density under the Threat System that makes demons pursue the player more aggressively the more they participate in the Helltide. Hell Worms will also appear and deposit a large volume of monsters in an area suddenly, and players will be able to summon the new Blood Maiden mini-boss by collecting materials during a Helltide event. To make them even more accessible, Helltides will now occur on every World Tier in Diablo 4, giving even new players the ability to reap their rewards.

How Diablo 4's Nature as a Live-Service Game Allows the Devs to Experiment with Features


Although live-service games can be controversial among players, Diablo 4 has used the live-service seasonal model to test features before making them a permanent part of the game. The improved Season 4 Helltides were the result of this experimentation, as Jackson reveals:

" One of the nice things about having a seasonal game or live-service game where we're constantly iterating is that we can try some experimental things that are a little bit more crazy. Then we can see what parts of it are really good and what sticks, iterate on that, and then bring back a version that can work in the game forever."

In relation to these specific Helltide changes, Jackson says:

"Helltide was always our overworld place to be when you're not in a dungeon or somewhere else, and so we definitely purposefully experimented a bit there in Season 2 and a lot of it worked out pretty well. So it was a pretty big no-brainer for us to rip that out and bring it back in a more evergreen way in Season 4."

It's clear that many of the updated mechanics coming in Diablo 4's Loot Reborn season are the result of three seasons of experimentation. As this development process continues, players are likely to see Diablo 4 continue to improve in subsequent seasons.