Thanks to Blizzard's Diablo, players can save the world from various demonic threats. Throughout the franchise, fans get acquainted with the story surrounding the world of Sanctuary and the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. Fans now know that Diablo serves as one of the triumvirate Prime Evils. Moreover, Diablo 2 had players eliminate the Prime Evils once and for all.

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However, as D3 has shown, the absence of the Prime Evils opened a power vacuum in the Burning Hells, prompting some of Hell's generals to try and conquer Sanctuary. And in Diablo 4, it seems even Lilith — Daughter of Hatred — has resurfaced as well. Unfortunately, nothing seems to rejoice with the arrival of the mother of all Nephalem. In turn, just what should fans know about this enigmatic figure?

10 Lilith Had Evolving Design

Lilith in Diablo 4- Diablo Lilith Trivia

Apart from Diablo, Lilith has perhaps received some of the most interesting design changes across the villains of the Diablo series. In her original appearance, Lilith's status as Andariel's mother brought her an appearance similar to the Maiden of Anguish. These included grizzled hair, extra appendages, and a hunched posture. Meanwhile, the Sin War novels described her as having a rather reptilian appearance.

Prior to D4, Diablo 3 and Book of Tyrael's designs of Andariel have given Lilith a blend of Mephisto and Andariel's features. In turn, Lilith's final design in D4  gave her skeletal webbed wings that accompanied the bone-like exoskeleton that wraps around her body. True to her matron title, the final design for Lilith also sported a dark gown.

9 Lilith Had A Brother

Lucion the brother of Lilith- Diablo Lilith Trivia

Perhaps most interesting about Lilith's origins would be her familial relationships. Most notable would be her status as the Daughter of Hatred, derived from her parent, Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred. Moreover, outside the Prime Evil, another notable member of Lilith's family would be Lucion, the Primus of the Triune.

Unlike the rebellious Lilith, the lore describes Lucion as an extremely obedient follower of Mephisto, majorly out of fear. Despite his brutality and hatred, Lucion's aspect of hatred "paled" in comparison to their father's. Moreover, Lucion and Lilith were implied to have been extremely close. Whereas Lilith sired the Nephalem, Lucion served as the Primus — or Great Priest — of the Triune.

8 She Has A Confusing Family Tree

The Redesigned Andariel for Diablo 4- Diablo Lilith Trivia

Lilith had undergone changes in her familial ties in between her original appearance in Diablo 2 and her eventual return in Diablo 4. For instance, Lilith originally served the role of Andariel's Mother, being the Queen of the Succubi. However, the retcons would transform Andariel into a Lesser Evil and one of the heads of Tathamet, the first Prime Evil. In turn, this would transform the boss Andariel into the aunt of Lilith, seemingly reversing their roles.

Moreover, Lilith's nature as Mephisto's daughter would make her the cousin of Leah, Diablo's eventual avatar in Diablo 3. After all, Leah was the offspring of Diablo-possessed Aidan and the sorceress Adria.

7 No Strings Attached

Lilith and Inarius - Diablo Lilith Trivia

Despite Inarius developing affection towards Lilith, it seems the Daughter Of Hatred cared more about her own goals than her supposed consort. Lore implies that Lilith only stayed with Inarius to further her own ends, as the Archangel shared her desire to "end" the Eternal Conflict. In turn, she managed to hatch the plot of stealing the Worldstone in order to create a world of their own design. Such was the birth of Sanctuary, the world in Diablo.

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Unlike Inarius who settled for their escape from the Conflict, Lilith wanted to do more with her freedom. Thanks to the Worldstone's power, Lilith knew she could have the power to end the Eternal Conflict and become the winning side. All she had to do was convince Inarius of the same.

6 She Wanted To Win The Eternal Conflict

Hellscape concept art

At some point in time, Lilith and Inarius sired a child together, called Linarian. No one expected that a union between their species was even possible. Linarian, who will eventually call himself Rathma, became the first of many Nephalem: half-angel, and half-demon hybrids. Unfortunately, many angels and demons would notice the untapped potential within the Nephalem which, if used wrongly, could mean their destruction.

In turn, multiple angels and demons saw the Nephalem as threats. However, Lilith saw the Nephalem as her key to winning the Eternal Conflict. Thankfully, Inarius decided to "meditate" on the matter of the Nephalem's extermination. However, Lilith became furious at the notion of killing her children. She transformed into a horrific form and killed all of Inarius' followers.

5 She Experienced Multiple Banishments

A Triune priest summoning Lilith from the Void- Diablo Lilith Trivia

When Lilith purged Sanctuary of Inarius' followers, the Archangel banished her into the Void. Unlike the Burning Hells or the High Heavens, the Void served as a vast field of "emptiness" in the universe. The lore describes the Void as an "empty" realm that can imprison various beings — endless darkness. Rathma once described banishment into the Void as a fate "worse than death."

Unfortunately for Lilith, the Daughter of Hatred will become extremely acquainted with the Void. Despite her return from the Void in time for the Sin War, Inarius will once again banish her back. A member of the Triune will pave way for Lilith's return in Diablo 4 using a ritual of unknown origins.

4 She Didn't Cause The Sin War

The Temple of the Triune- Diablo Lilith Trivia

After Lilith's banishment, Inarius altered the Worldstone to ensure the Nephalem would produce weaker offsprings throughout the generations. This alteration would cause the formation of powerless Humans, as well as the hiding of Sanctuary's true nature. However, despite these machinations, time would have its way of revealing the realm to the warring sides of the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. Moreover, Lilith would come to learn of such alterations and form a plan of her own.

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Unfortunately, the Vizjerei or Spirit Clan of Mages would accidentally contact demons in the guise of "spirits." This would lead the Prime Evils to establish the Cult of the Triune dedicated to their worship, disguised as beings of good. Thankfully, Inarius would notice the plans of the Prime Evils. In retaliation, Inarius created his own sect, the Cathedral of Light. The two organizations fought for the influence of Sanctuary's people in what will be known as the Sin War.

3 Lilith Tried To Control The Sin War

Lilith of Diablo concept art- Diablo Lilith Trivia

Lilith would try to take advantage of the conflict by returning to Sanctuary. She will reverse the effects of Inarius' alterations to the Worldstone, this time paving the way for the return of the Nephalem's powers. Moreover, she will secretly intervene in the Sin War as Lylia, a noblewoman with a tragic story. She would have an ordinary human, Uldyssian ul-Diomed, believe that he has the powers of the Nephalem. In truth, all of Uldyssian's magical displays were her own doing.

At some point in the Sin War, Uldyssian will be able to discover her deception. However, Lilith's provocation would strengthen Uldyssian's own faith in himself, reactivating his lineage as a Nephalem. If all goes according to plan, Lilith should be able to sway Uldyssian to her side and rally the Nephalem against the celestial forces.

2 Her Concept Had Prevalent Symbolism

Lilith comes back from the Void - Diablo Lilith Trivia

Like most creatures in Diablo lore, Lilith's design and concept adopts a lot from mythology and religious beliefs. For instance, Lilith's namesake comes from the Jewish mythological "Lilith," a malignant demonic entity. Others view her as the "first wife" of Adam before being cast out of Heaven.

Likewise, Lilith's new design for Diablo 4 received Heterochromia, or having eyes with different colors. This design choice seems to take its cues from medieval Christian myth, which claims heterochromia appears in witches and is a Satanic symbol.

1 She Was In The Pandemonium Event

The Pandemonium Fortress- Diablo Lilith Trivia

Outside the major lore, Lilith also makes an appearance in the special "Pandemonium Event" for Diablo 2. In here, Lilith swore vengeance after players have killed Andariel and other Succubi in the Worldstone's defense. As such, Lilith orchestrated the revival of Diablo through a Dark Summoning. With the help of Uber Diablo, Lilith also resurrected Mephisto and Baal, as well as powerful demons Izual and Duriel.

Given "Pandemonium Event" serves as a patch-exclusive event, it's likely that its events aren't part of official lore. In this event, players face Lilith who sported a color-swapped avatar of Andariel.

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