Diablo 4 lets players extract Legendary Powers into a separate Aspect that can be imbued onto an item of one's choosing, though fans can't help but feel frustrated over the way the system is currently implemented. With a few weeks past launch, Diablo 4 players have a much more concrete opinion about the game, and how it measures up to its predecessors. There's no denying that the foundation is very good, but the multitude of missing quality-of-life features in Diablo 4 hamper it from fulfilling its true potential. The biggest concerns center around the game's itemization and, by extension, its inventory and character progression systems.

Players feel that the idea behind Diablo 4's endgame is sound, but its execution seems to be flooded by strange inconveniences. The Codex of Power in Diablo 4 lets players keep a catalog on all the Legendary Aspects they unlocked through dungeons, but the system doesn't apply to all Aspects. Legendary Aspects extracted from items take up inventory space, and can only be spent once. The fact that they all share the same icons, separated solely by type, certainly isn't helping matters. A lack of a search function for the backpack or storage chest makes dealing with Legendary Aspects extremely frustrating, as Diablo 4 fans are asking for Blizzard to reconsider the feature.

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The topic was broached by Lazypole on the official Diablo subreddit, where they pointed out that needing to juggle Legendary Aspects across different inventory screens is hardly one's idea of fun. Moreover, without the ability to know one's list of collected Legendary Aspects on the fly, players often struggle to remember which powers they're still missing to complete their favorite Diablo 4 build.

The community's proposal to fix the Legendary Aspect system is remarkably elegant. Given that the Codex of Power was already built to accommodate Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4, it feels that there's little reason to separate dungeon Aspects from extracted Aspects. By adding a new currency for applying the Legendary Aspects, Blizzard would also preserve the gameplay loop of farming for the Aspects while making it significantly more convenient for players of all skill levels.

Akin to an upgraded Kanai's Cube from Diablo 3, a reworked Codex of Power would also incentivize players to complete the full collection of Legendary Aspects, enriching the endgame into something beyond the Helltide and Nightmare Dungeon loop. Though it's highly unlikely that Blizzard will change Legendary Aspects this close to Diablo 4's inaugural season, it is certainly an idea worth looking into.

Diablo 4 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE:Diablo 4: What To Do With Legendary Items