
  • As Vessel of Hatred DLC for Diablo 4 is approaching its release on Oct 8, the new Spiritborn class will be revealed on July 18.
  • The spiritborn class is a unique addition that is tied to Nahantu and has mystical qualities.
  • DLC promises a new chapter, and the class is closely intertwined with the story and jungle setting.

Diablo 4's first expansion since launch, Vessel of Hatred, finally has an official release date. Set for release on October 8, the DLC for Diablo 4 is still a few months away, but July 18 will give more insight into what the expansion has in store for players. Vessel of Hatred promises some exciting new updates, but one of the most intriguing is found in the game's newest class.

A newly released trailer for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred showcases a gruesome preview of the hotly anticipated DLC, giving a brief peek into how it will continue the story of Diablo 4. The end of the trailer revealed even more, previewing some exciting features, like new pets and armor sets. However, one of the most intriguing features to be included in Vessel of Hatred is the franchise's newest class, the Spiritborn.

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July 18 Will Reveal More About the Spiritborn Class

As of right now, the Spiritborn class is quite mysterious. Diablo 4 boasts some great classes, and the Spiritborn looks to be an incredibly unique addition to the game. There is only a little bit of information known about the nature of the Spiritborn, but more is set to be revealed on July 18, when the Spiritborn Class Reveal hosted by Diablo 4's developers gives a deeper look into the all-new class.

What is Known About the Spiritborn

The Spiritborn is an original class that has never been seen in the Diablo franchise before. One of the few things known about the class at the moment is that they are considered to be apex predators within the jungle. The Spiritborn are an ancient civilization that seems to be highly skilled and trained in battle in order to survive the harsh jungle environment in which they reside.

They [Spiritborn] are battle-hardened with mystical synergies that could only be awakened deep within the jungles of Nahantu!

Based on previews of the Spiritborn class armor, they seem to also have a great connection to animals, as the main image teasing the class shows a warrior wearing a leopard head helmet and leopard spot tattoos covering his body. The Diablo franchise shines when it creates custom classes that are exclusive to the games, and the Spiritborn looks to continue this tradition.

Origins of the Spiritborn

Despite the secrecy surrounding the class, it's been made clear that the Spiritborn are native to the new location featured in Vessel of Hatred, Nahantu. Diablo 4 has seen some great success recently, thanks to Season 4, and Vessel of Hatred promises even more content with Sanctuary expanding into the jungles of Nahantu. Blizzard has confirmed that the Spiritborn have mystical qualities that can only be activated within the region's jungles, confirming that the class is deeply tied to the area.

Vessel of Hatred Brings a New Chapter to Diablo 4

Since its launch last year, Diablo 4 has come a long way, and Vessel of Hatred looks to be a thrilling and dark new chapter to the game's story. Based on early information, the Spiritborn class already seems like a wonderfully unique type of character to explore and fight with. Due to the important ties to Nahantu and battle-ready qualities that have already been teased about the Spiritborn, the class will likely play a major role in the story of Vessel of Hatred. Some of Diablo's best classes have been completely original creations for the series, like the Amazon and the Blood Knight, which makes the addition of the Spiritborn that much more exciting.

Although there isn't much known about the class at the moment, July 18 will change that, as more information will be given to those who are curious about picking up a new class to play as. Diablo 4's classes bring unique challenges based on their specific skills, and it will be interesting to see how the Spiritborn holds up against the other classes.